Thursday, September 14, 2006

Maple Story - Archive (5/8/2006)

Posted 5/8/2006 2:52:15 AM
Lucky Aer. I really want to get a Maple Crossbow, but my internet is being annoying. (using a school comp now) Can someone get one for me? =D

Still only lv24 on Cat which really annoys me. I want to get back on and get some cool items.

---gMS, Windia: CosmicCat, lv2x xBowWomanMirage Guild Member.

Posted 5/8/2006 5:20:37 AM
The PQs in Ludi have been dead due to the birthday event quests at the moment, so PQs for me where pretty constant all day. It was harder to find people to make up a party than to get in.

I was generally the main damage dealer in the parties, so I was dealing with at least half of all blocktopi, the rombards and certainly Alishar. So for me the exp was pretty close to 10% or so it seemed, the odd PQ that did not go all the way accounted for 3-6% here and there.

My shop succeded in selling my over priced scrolls, the claw scrolls sold at 700K each, might have to be more realistic on the sword scrolls, but figured nothing ventured nothing gained. I have the nagging suspicion that I under sold the 60% cape scrolls, but I made a huge profit on what I paid for them.

I've been playing at Jetis today and the exp is about 2.5% per 10 mins. I am going to try the different flavours of pixie in the gardens, then go back to Ludi for another level at least of teddies as they were giving 3.5% which adds up over the course of a level.

---Sin - AggroJagg 51 - Windia

Posted 5/8/2006 8:44:51 AM
I had a solid weekend, with one minor setback. First of all, I made it to level 48 on Friday night mostly from the Disposed Flower Garden. In addition, I had a decent set of drops and to make it even better - I had a few trades go through - so I'm now ~1.3mil richer...

On Saturday I gained another 30%, again mostly from the garden - even though I went back to Victoria to "race" my guild leader at B3. I lost pitifully... but it was fun and I was ahead for a short while. On Sunday I died and managed to get back up to 30% - and that's where I'm at. Last night, my wife and I went out for her birthday (which is actually today), so I was out pretty late.

Anyway, in terms of drops, I got 2 korean fans this weekend (51atk, 5 acc and avoid; 52atk, 5 acc, and 4 avoid). I also got a second pair of Umber Shouldermail pants (don't remember the stats) and a couple of minor other drops that escape me. Oh - and a pair of Pansy earrings while I trained with Bacon on Friday (I think). I'll only be using them for the next 2 levels, but extra mdef is always good when fighting magic users...

To cap off the weekend, I did return to Victoria. I'm planning on finishing up some quests and I have already completed Jack Schwetty's secret book due to a kindly guildmate who gave me 6 diamond ores that I needed. This opens up the cursed doll series - so I might get started on that soon as well.

I've almost got all I need to finish the Florina Beach quests - so that will probably be my next stop - followed up by Jane's series.

After that, I might mass-kill curse eyes in hope of getting the lost deed, but we'll have to see how things go for that. I'll also be trying out the various drakes to see how well I can handle them as an alternative while I'm in Victoria.

Other than that, my guild has a spiffy emblem now - though it has been getting mixed-reviews from the rest of the guild. I personally like it - but not everyone is going to agree - so you just have to take the good with the bad I guess.

I'll come up with some more poker questions later - this isn't really the forum for it - but I suppose the occasional teaser can't hurt.

@mlugia - nice on all those drops. Maybe its just us warriors that get the good stuff!

@KaOs_storm - I haven't gone back to floor 8 yet - mostly because I'm having such an easy and profitable time at the Disposed Flower Garden - and because I don't have any Eos Tower scrolls anymore. If I make the effort to get more though - I might head down there again in short order - depending on how things go in Victoria this time.

Given that today is my wife's birthday - I'd say don't expect to see me online. It might happen if she goes to bed early (possible since she's feeling sick the last time I talked with her this morning), but in any case, it won't be much even if I do get on.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 48 Fighter

Posted 5/8/2006 9:36:40 AM
Hey Dave, Happy birthday to your wife! Congrats on 48, I'm ~50% into lv 35, and I have a great blue helm to show for it. What a difference some WDEF makes! I'm taking a nice 5 dmg from wild boars (down from the 13-14 I normally take with my bamboo hats), making training that much cheaper. At least on the HP.

Stupid boars, dropping all the good things. No longer are any boar channels empty, so I went to evil eyes. With a 1/3 chance to hit the damn boogies, I did ok. Takes me forever to kill a boogie, but the eyes themselves don't do too much harm.

Maybe I should head back to green mushies when 2x drops start. I really do want a soul singer. In the meantime, school work T_T

Have a nice night out

Posted 5/8/2006 11:26:24 AM
I started at 32% yesterday and I had an hour of play so I just decided to go PQ. In it, I earned 5%~. What am I doing wrong? -_-

Maybe I should just stick to Tobos. I've gotten 2 White Guiltians and a Blue-Lined Kismet. Hopefully Kandayo will drop?

And happy bday to your wife, David.

Catch up to me, since I'm only at 37% and you're already way into your 48.

---SwiftBacon - Windia

Posted 5/8/2006 12:56:00 PM
Tobos really are a solid place to be and if I go back to Ludi any time soon - you'll either find me there or on Master Robos to be honest. I think my income is much more stable there, as opposed to the roller coaster if I don't get any drops at the garden for a while and my tradeins aren't so good. I'm still hoping for some shield and helmet scrolls (not that I would turn down an earring scroll...), but so far - just more processed wood...

I actually almost bought 3k-4k worth of nependeath seeds the other day because they were reasonably priced - but the seller never got back to me. If I didn't get a scroll out of the 30-40 sets, I'd have only been down ~100k I think - and when you factor in 20k worth of experience, plus most of the items I would actually use - I think it wasn't so bad.

Also, I'm not really "way into my 48" - I'm only at 30% or so...

I've been contemplating what to do with my blue sauna. I'm tempted to take a gamble with it and purchase the requisite number of dex scrolls and try to scroll it. Doing so would be an outlay of 1-1.5 mil. If only one worked out of 10, I'd be in bad shape - with 2 though, I think I'd be able to recoup my losses and with 3 or more I start making some decent money with it.

On the other hand, I can sell it off right now for 100k or so. Safe - but little profit.

I'm also tentatively thinking about making a gold brist for level 50 in an attempt to improve upon my briggon. The only thing I'm missing are the diamond ores - so I have more reason to try Shumi's B3 for a while... It would slow down my exp rate by quite a bit - but getting a better glove would be good for me. Before I attempt it though, I'd need to figure out just how much dex/accuracy I need from it - so that I can put the rest towards attack. At this point, I think I only need attack from it - which would be great.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 48 Fighter

Posted 5/8/2006 1:08:44 PM
In response to you making a Gold Brist, it would be wise now to start investing or saving mesos into attack gloves.

You will sacrifice a little bit of Weapon Defence for a bigger damage output, this can determine if you can train on higher monsters, thus making your training a bit faster.

---MS IGN: StormCaliber (Windia)

Posted 5/8/2006 1:37:40 PM
That's exactly what I was saying. Right now my briggon has a 10% dex and a 10% atk working on it. If I can be sure I don't need the extra accuracy of the dex scroll - I can get/make a gold brist and scroll it up fairly easily to be better than the +3 atk I'm getting. I realize that most people would rather use work gloves - but I'm not going to. The brist itself is only 100k assuming I have the materials (which I do except for the 2 diamonds). 100k vs 2k is not a big deal when we're talking about investing millions into it. And when it comes down to it - I want the extra defense, the extra strength that the brist gives over the work glove. Since my only other character is a magician - its not like I need the work glove for 2 or more characters - so I might as well make it as good as I can on all fronts.

In all likelihood - the brist will be my highest level glove that I actually craft. This is because the higher level ones require much more to create and only offer marginal improvement over it. I can invest 1-200k to make a brist, but to make a clench - well, it would probably cost me a lot more. I might move up to an emperor later on though.

If 7 slot gloves were available - that might make the argument for a work glove higher on my priority list. But since the ores are not getting used other than to craft stuff - I might as well get the most out of it that I can. Plus - it'll be something to work towards and to achieve, rather than to downgrade to. Heck - I could just get a bunch of briggons and scroll them since they are so common (with 2 quests that give them, plus teddies dropping them so frequently).

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 48 Fighter

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