Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Maple Story - Archive (3/7/2006)

Posted 3/7/2006 10:00:57 AM
Well, I'll definitely take them for free...

Actually, just noticed that you're a crossbowman - I have some (not many - but some) bronze arrows for crossbow that I gift to the first random crossbowman I find. Yesterday it was a level 13 guy... he was so excited...

Anyway - if I find you - they're yours.

Unfortunately, I likely won't be on tonight (actually not unfortunately - date with the wife).
As to quests - I pretty much have all of the "easy" requirements filled - for Luke's quest, I need a few more stirge wings as well, but they are not a problem for me to kill. In fact, the only thing that gets me any trouble is the skins...

Have you done the quest that needs the weighted earrings? If not - I can give you a pair for the trouble of the rest of my necki skins.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 31 Fighter

Posted 3/7/2006 10:18:37 AM
Wow, you have a wife... I'm still waiting for my first girlfriend XD (Ironically, I've been mistaken to be as old as a father of a 15 year old girl. I'm 19...)

Anywhoot, I've done the weight earrings quest myself, and I have 2 more pairs in my inventory as well, not that I can do anything with them. Prolly NPC them someday...

You're a warrior, yes? I have a red Hwrang shirt if you want it.

Anywhoot, I guess I'll see you on sometime. I'm generally on from 10pm-12am EST.

Posted 3/7/2006 10:46:39 AM
Eh - girlfriends are nothing special. Wives are the best though (this message has been paid for by the women of America who dislike non-commited men...).

Anyway, I'm all set on the shirt - I've got a green one for the extra dex (so that I have a minute chance of hitting the neckis...). If your character is female I've got the level 40 top (white piettra I think - average), but I suspect I'll just end up selling it.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 31 Fighter

Posted 3/7/2006 12:35:55 PM
Nice. I do the same thing as you, but with a lot less detail, and I don't post it here. Basically, I write my level and percent at the start of the day, and then do the same at the end of an MS day in a journal I have. Maybe when I hit level 70 I'll put it on here so people can compare their progress with mine or something.

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