Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Maple Story - Archive (3/1/2006)

Posted 3/1/2006 8:48:00 AM

So my progress last night was solid but not entirely definitive as I didn't finish my current level. I'm still level 27. I managed to cover about 60-70% of the experience though, so finishing off the level shouldn't be too tough.

I finally managed to get into the Party Quest - though my first time the leader ended up getting squished by King Slime - so the quest failed. I was the leader the second time and we did quite well considering. Got a pair of Emerald Earrings for my trouble and I doubt I'll be doing it again any time soon unless someone wants to get me in on a guarantee - the waiting for it is just too long for my tastes - especially without any guarantee that our party would be the next in.

I also did a trade to get 4 10% scrolls for Helmet defense. I realize that many wouldn't even consider scrolling the level 25 helm, but I decided to in order to make myself more survivable now. First though, I upgraded it to an Orihalcon, and then scrolled it with 4 10%'s - of which 1 worked - and one 60% - which worked as well. All told, the end helm is a 37 wdef, 4 mdef, +1 accuracy helm. I'll be keeping it until at least level 35 - possibly until level 50 (depending if I decide to get the Great Brown Helmet or not). If anyone is wondering why I would do such a thing - well, bear in mind that the scrolls were very inexpensive - and the 3-4 less damage I'll be taking per hit, translates into another 20+ hits taken before I need to stop and rest or use potions.

I'm still mostly training on stumps of all varieties, but I have also moved onto wild boars when I am at full health until I get below half-way. I have no problem taking out boars, but they consume my expendables faster than the stumps do - so I just use the stumps to whittle away the percentage points until the next level. I'm still gaining ~20% per hour, so I think its going pretty well - especially when you consider that every hour or 90 minutes, I sit down on a bench to fully recover (with 1400 hp and 5 HP Recovery, I sit anywhere from 5-6+ minutes to do this). I sit to recover in order to save money on expendables and to give myself a mental break from the game - so the time spent sitting is a good resting point anyway.

Next level I'm thinking about moving on down into the Ant Tunnel and trying my luck in order to get the large number of Evil Eye tails I need for Alex's quest and the latter stage of the Kerning City Requests (in order to get my level 30 boots).

I still have to deal with getting the Jr. Necki skins - but I may end up buying the 50 needed for the first stage of the Kerning City requests, just to get it done. For now though, I'm not worrying about it until I get the requisite items for the 2nd and 3rd parts (the 2nd part I've got everything, so the 3rd just needs the 200 Evil Eye tails). If I find some reasonably priced Jr. Necki skins I'll scoop them up, but for now, I'm not worried about it.

In terms of ongoing goals, I'm still hoping to find a better Battle shield by level 35, possibly a nice cutlus as well (though I'll need to be fighting Horned Mushrooms and Evil Eyes for that). Every once in a while I'll take down a fire boar in a half-hearted attempt at finding the glass slipper. I'm also working on the last garnet ore to finish Mrs. Ming's second worry. That quest really isn't worth the time and effort - but since I'm almost done with it anyway - I figure I might as well (even if it doesn't make much sense in a profit perspective).

Beyond those, I'm just working on making the 2nd job. I probably won't have it by Friday, but Sunday night is still a possibility I think. I just need to spend more time hunting, and less time browsing the free market .

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 27 Warrior

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