Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Maple Story - Archive (3/23/2006)

Posted 3/23/2006 10:04:22 AM
I also keep tempting myself to head over to Florina Beach. I haven't mustered the courage to do so quite yet - but it looks like lorangs will be reasonable to fight. Lupins are a pain - but manageable. Clangs however, seem to be beyond reach at the moment. Even though I'm 12 levels lower, I still can hit them about half the time. Of course, that's not too good - so I'll have to wait on them. The lorangs and lupins though are 100% hits. Torties/Umties are also about a 50% hit rate.

Also, a question I've had for a while - if you enter Florina via Ludi/Orbis - when you leave - does it automatically take you back to where you started, or does it give you a choice?
Any suggestions on handling Florina?

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 36 Fighter

Posted 3/23/2006 10:19:40 AM
When you leave florina you arrive back where you started, no short cuts for you

I'm taking around 65 damage from the kitties. Mostly I suppose because of my choice of overall.
You're right, I am a mobber at heart and tend to spend most of my time in the middle of crowds (even as a wizard that was the case).

I picked up a dark knuckle last night for 150K, so thats an extra 3 str plus the spearman that sold it had 100%'d it so it adds 5 accuracy.

I would hope that now I could handle the jr.boogies, I think I was having a hard time in my mid 30's, but reasoned that fireboars were better than evil eye mobs, the 2 arwens shoes attest to that.

I have 10 ability points and 9 skill points saved at this point in time, in case of accuracy emergencies. I am using a level+10=accuracy build, which has worked out very nicely for me and afforded me a real str boost over other warriors my own level. Not sure if thats still true at 41 as most builds I have seen suggest going pure str for levels 30-40.

As I get higher levelled I suppose I need to give thought to what I'm going to want to hit and adjust my accuracy for that.

---Darktyde Level 50 Lizard Scania (Currently holidaying in Orbis)

Posted 3/23/2006 10:32:41 AM
Frankly I'm amazed that some people choose to take such a view on defense. I'm not sure if you have this kind of thing on hand, but when you train at kitties what do you use up per - say 100 horns - or some other reasonable measure?

You take twice the damage per hit (if a little more) that I do from kitties - and I'm 4 levels below you with level 30 top/bottom. The only difference in defense that I can see is my shield (34 def) and my helm (which is well-enough scrolled). I can't see what you are using for a glove or boots - but those are pretty small differences anyway.

Trying to get a hold on these things - how often do you use blue potions (or some other MP restore item)? Same with healing?

For myself, over the course of gathering 100 horns, I use only the potions the kitties drop give or take a white or a blue here and there assuming I enter the screen relatively near full health.
Just curious - I'm still learning the different dynamics of the game - so learning other's experiences is useful to my own education on it.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 36 Fighter

Posted 3/23/2006 10:50:52 AM
Though it might seem vain, a weekly screenshot of your looks/scrolled equips would be rather cool, to me. Just wait till you get a Traus, those things are like, shorter than daggers X).

Posted 3/23/2006 10:55:35 AM
Well, I'm not big on the looks department - orihalcon burgernet, greeen hwarang and white martial art pants - so get what you will from that. Maybe I'll take a pic every once in a while and post it when I take the time. Probably too much effort though.

Also, I won't be needing a traus - my cutlus is already better than the hero's gladius (63att vs 63att, +4 str). The only reason I would get a traus is if I found a better scrolled one for a very good price.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 36 Fighter

Posted 3/23/2006 10:56:55 AM
Last night was terrible for me. I didn't have much time to spend to begin with, so I wandered around trying to do some quests. I got the Shumi 40 done, then went to try to find Maladies. Didn't work >_< Died asap and lost 9% that I had.

Hit Ossy, went to check out the kitties, and trained for about 30 minutes w/ a buddy, getting me up to 15% again, until I decided to see why cats are bad. And whoo boy, they were. Went in, shot at one, and before I ran away, it shot back, killing be because I lagged and couldn't potion in time. So I was down to 5%. I went back with a vengence and managed to raise to around 10% before I quit >_<

Your stories are making me want to start a 1H BW Page, strangely. Although the Skylar looks so godly.

Posted 3/23/2006 11:04:51 AM
Yeah - cats are sure nasty. I haven't gone to them, but looking at their stats from Hidden Street, I can tell they'll be some trouble...

Anyway - as with any new area - it just takes a little time to get used to the dynamics of the area before you can start really raking in the money/xp.

On the kitties - where's your best spot as a ranged attacker with a minimum range? Do you prefer the bottom floor or the top two ledges (in the road to garden of three colors)? Perhaps you and I could train there and split the board? Just an idea. I'm pretty comfortable with all areas on the board - so if you are good with either the top two or the bottom floor and the little ledge that it has - I can do the other without issue to keep the spawn rate up.

Of course, I just remembered I left kitties for the moment... nevermind. Maybe when I get back we can hook up.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 36 Fighter

Posted 3/23/2006 11:06:59 AM
I found that my best training is done on the bottom, since vertical heights make archers cry. Last night, my buddy (who was also an Xbowman of the same level, hehe) took the top 2 ledges and occassionally came to the first ledge from the bottom if I forget to take them out, while I got a crazy good spawn on the flat terrain.

One of these days, we should really try training together, although since you do fine on your own, it's probably more benficial to me than to you...

Posted 3/23/2006 11:26:51 AM
Well, partying, in my opinion, always seems to slow the xp rate down for me anyway. That being said, I don't mind it because it makes things flow better in terms of the screen's spawn and in terms of taking breaks.

Right now, I take a break any time my hp gets low and I have used my "alloted" healing/recovery items. It isn't the best training, because every 20 minutes-an hour I have to sit on a bench for 5-6 minutes to recover (and I make use of that time - so its no big deal). However, when training with someone, I tend to stay longer and use a few potions in order to make it better for the other(s) involved. I make slightly less profit with a more continual stream of xp and some fun watching the partner on occasion.

The top 2 ledges, as I'm sure you are aware, are perfect for slash blast. If I have someone taking out the bottom areas, I can clear them out with a nice speed - usually 5+ in 3-4 slash blasts (or 2-3 with a warrior potion).

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 36 Fighter

Posted 3/23/2006 11:51:44 AM
I think (I tend to zone out a bit when grinding) that I restock a couple times per level. I grab 300 white potions and 200 lemons. In the last 2 levels I have accrued around 5600 horns.
Every few levels I'll have collected enough blue and orange potions to skip a restock.
I am a potion whore, for me gaining the levels is what will allow me to gain more wealth. At kitties I tend to make a net profit after restocking on potions.

---Darktyde Level 50 Lizard Scania (Currently holidaying in Orbis)

Posted 3/23/2006 11:56:24 AM
Well, it would seem to me to be very difficult for someone 35+ not making a profit at kitties - they are just that good.

I honestly don't know why I'm seeking out other areas right now - I'm making sure good time/profit at them that moving elsewhere really doesn't make much sense...

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 36 Fighter

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