Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Maple Story - Archive (4/20/2006)

Posted 4/20/2006 7:45:52 AM
Started off last night with a bit of poker. Nothing spectacular and a few bad plays on my part resulted in a net of -$4 from it. I didn't feel like I was on my game as much as I should've been - so I just moved on to Maple.

In Maple, I managed to hook up with the same PQ leader and we did fairly well, getting through 2 more full party quests and then a third - but 2 of our party had to log off, so we couldn't get past stage 8. It was all of 2 minutes before the Server check anyway - so we just called it a night.
I got 2 significant drops from the PQ - a pair of Skull Earrings (Mdef 28 - below avg) and a scroll for PoleArms. I'm not sure of the percentage on it (somehow managed to forget to check...), but I'll be selling it off as soon as I know that.

My Zeco has now been through 3 full 1-day auctions without a single nibbler, so it is officially going to be NPCed when I get the chance.

All in all, I did pretty well last night to pull out 30% or so to bring me to 60% to level 45. I expect if I put a little more time in tonight, I should be able to get to level 45 or at least darn close.

Congrats on making the advance mlugia - and don't worry about the rankings. I'm level 44 and I'm ranked 8xx - the ranks go quickly as you get through the 30s.

I also can't really recommend Jr. Sentinels since they are pretty boring... Lots of climbing and while the exp is good and the money decent, you'll be better off at Deep Valley and occasionally at Burning Land. That being said, by about 34, you should be able to do well enough at kitties to move there and reap the benefits of gaining hundreds of processed wood from the exchange quest... (I'm still at around 130+ return scrolls too...)

@Spooky - the leader I generally am with in the PQ is very selective about the people he brings in. As long as you can prove yourself as a consistent and reliable PQer, he might be able to get you in at level 38. If I'm party questing as a leader myself though - and you're on - we'll work it out. Of course, I might be heading back to Victoria very soon to take care of a certain fungus near Henesys...

@Slasher - congrats on the scroll working on your starlight. I've got a bunch of 10% shield scrolls heading my way - so hopefully I can get one or two to work to make my Tower Shield quite nice.

Speaking of shields, I've decided to completely skip the skull shield and keep the Tower Shield until 60. If I get the tower shield to +2 with 10%, I will keep it, but I will also get myself a legend shield for the added magic defense. If I am able to get a Adamantium Legend Shield with a better Wdef, I'll obviously switch to that permanently. But in any case, the tower shield will be used from 40 to 60.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 44 Fighter

Posted 4/20/2006 7:49:58 AM
Hmm, 34, eh?

What level did you start with Evil Eyes at their lair, Dave? That is, a managable level where you don't lose money training there... The chance of a cutlus is too nice to pass up >_<

Posted 4/20/2006 7:52:04 AM
Actually, I see Dirty Latz on Eos tower Lv 9x also drop cutlus, and has less overall drops to contend with. They have 300 more HP, gives 20 more EXP per kill, and 5 more WATK than the Evil Eyes... I don't recall much about Eos tower there, but if anyone's in Ludi, can you tell me how the spawn is there please?

Posted 4/20/2006 8:03:05 AM
The spawn for those is REALLY annoying because they like to knock you off the ledges when they can and they spawn at your feet which gets annoying for me as a mage when I had to do those quests I would say spawn is good if you like to ankle biting monsters lol Also congratz on the earrings and too bad about your poker game David also... Dont get to level 45 I just made level 46 slow down everyone :'(

---TrueMiroku lv4x Fizard [Scania]

Posted 4/20/2006 8:05:54 AM
The black rats aren't too bad, but they do hurt a significant amount more than the evil eyes do - I think ~60 while the evil eyes were doing ~20 (I don't remember exactly though and it was SO long ago (lol - what a couple of weeks?)). That being said, I think I've got things screwed up a little - I think evil eyes from 30-35 are great, then kitties to 40ish (splashing in teddies and PQ as wanted).

The only problem I found with rats in general is that, as a warrior, it is hard to be in a position to train effectively in the tower on their levels. They move darned quick - so if there's more than one on the level with you, it will be able to get you while you fight the other. If you are on one of the short ledges, this could mean unnecessary climbing and such. They do have a good spawn (as do the white ones), but its probably best with another player, just so you can split the massive vertical board.

If you are alone - I'd probably recommend the 95th floor, but with another, any of the floors above that'll work. Also, the trixters are not great to mix in on the same screen - really throws you off-tempo. So don't go below 95 - unless you are working on quests.

As a general note, I went to Ludi the first time at around 32 I think and I found it a little too tough for my liking. At 35 though, I think it gets much easier - so take that for what its worth.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 44 Fighter

Posted 4/20/2006 8:10:29 AM
Hmm. I guess I'll go to EE's at Lv 31 then, and Latz or something at Lv 35ish, if I get bored of the cave. Should really stock up on pots then, eh?

Posted 4/20/2006 8:19:00 AM
If you are having trouble making profits off of straight Evil Eyes, use the combo screens with Evil Eyes and Undead Mushrooms. That should help keep your expenses down a little bit, even if it might mean a bit slower training because of the bigger boards. When I was training on Evil Eyes, I pretty much stayed in Deep Ant Tunnel rather than the Evil Eye caves anyway - because they were more convenient with a nice mobbing area in the top right. Changing channels here will bring you right back to the store - so there's little risk of dying if you can get to a safe spot for a few seconds.

And slasher - go ahead and start speeding up... if you haven't noticed - I'm only slowing down a little as I incorporate more poker back into my life...

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 44 Fighter

Posted 4/20/2006 7:51:38 PM
I bought the Red Cross shield earlier, and now I'm on wild boars. I ran a few trials for ya (roughly 10 of each)

121 WDEF - 24-27 dmg
131 WDEF - 20-23 dmg

Fit that on your curve

Posted 4/20/2006 10:58:58 PM
Got into an argument with a magician after she stole my Blue Matty. I asked her politely for it back, I even offered her up to 80k for it but she refused.

I called her the "b" word because it's only worth 50k to her but it has a sentimental value to me, lol. So she called her guild members and bl to come (not many, btw) and defame me, so they did.
This really ticked me off because I was being nice in the game and this is how I am repaid?? I've given people money, helped them raise and level, given away items. This can't be Karma, I never did anything bad to anyone.

So, I'll be playing on a new char for a while... probably and Archer....

---gMS, Windia: Blizzaria, lv33 Ice/Lit Wizard

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