Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Maple Story - archive (3/3/2006)

Posted 3/3/2006 8:53:22 AM
So despite Ludibrium coming out last night, I saw no reason to leave my comfortable spots yet. I have a goal to make and I came a little closer last night. I started off the night at 15% and managed to get up to 40% on it in about an hour - training mostly on horned mushrooms and partying with killa999999. After he logged off for the night, I went down to the Deep Ant Tunnel to finish up Alex's quest and did so without incident - though going down there does eat up my usables fairly quickly.

So my goal was to reach the second job by the end of the weekend. I'm about 40% into level 28, so in total, I need to accumulate another 127k experience. I'll likely stick with horned mushrooms for this time, and zombie mushrooms since they share the maps of the Ant Tunnel - so that's 3000 zombie mushrooms or 3600 horned mushrooms. In terms of time, I've got probably 4-5 hours tonight, and about the same on Sunday - not sure about Saturday quite yet.

I don't think I get a single rare drop last night - which isn't all that surprising for the one hour I was on, but I do have gold earrings (selling for 15k if anyone's interested) from Alex's quest. I still prefer the +50 mp from the leaf earrings, but I might try to sell them off.

Once I reach the 30s, I'm planning on moving over to Ossyria to at least take a look around. If I haven't found a set of chainmail for level 35 by the time I reach that level, I'll need to go to El Nath anyway. I'm hoping that won't be the case though.

I'm also starting to look around more fervently for scrolls for my next group of equipment - mostly to see if I can make my next sword a nice one. Surprisingly enough, I can't seem to find anyone selling 10% 1-handed sword scrolls - either in the free market or on the various selling websites. Well at least one at a decent price... (I found one guy selling them for 300k - but the highest I've bought them was 50k...)

For now though, until I find something else to spend money on, I'm just working on advancing. Once I reach level 30 and upgrade to a gladius, assuming I can get a scroll to work on it - my damage output should increase dramatically. Hopefully I'll be able to meet my goal this weekend and start working on the next one...

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 28 Warrior

Posted 3/3/2006 11:42:24 AM
I love how you use this as a diary blog, don't know why, but I just like to see how your progressing.

Anyways I'd like to give you a heads up; if you can avoid it, don't buy your new gear from orbis or el nath. Orbis is a bit expensive and El Nath is a dam rip off. Keep scouting FM or ask other high level warriors if they have there old gear. I bought my Zard off someone for half the store price.

Also, You get a level 40 helm for doing a quest. Talk to Rowen in Ellina to start it, opposite of the fairy you have to find the glass shoe for. You have to collect ~2600 cursed dolls from zombie lupins, so i'd suggest you make a cleric friend if you don't have one already. It's cheaper to get them yourself as the dolls go for ~1k each I believe.

As for training, I'd definitely recommend ant tunnel at this point. Zombie and Horned mushrooms don't move as fast as boars so you'll probably get hit less often, meaning less hp pot usage, and the sauna being so close isn't bad either. I wouldn't worry about ksers, I'm on broa and when I was training down there it was pretty easy to find an open spot, and i'm pretty sure windia as less people if not the same amount as broa.

---Broa: Zenkar - Fighter - lv. 4x

Posted 3/3/2006 12:31:25 PM
Always nice to have kind words - as to why I write it - it has a number of purposes:
1. I'm a writer in practice, so keeping a daily journal or something similar is helpful to me. It helps me conceptualize and remain focused. I've done journals for just about everything I do and have done - including my job (I'm a database administrator), my life as a gamer (real role playing games) and my life as a poker player. It just seemed natural to provide a 5-10 minute excerpt of things going on - a little snippet to hold on to.
2. The journal serves to lay out ideas for my character in the future - including possible directions for skill points and such. I've found that many of my ideas are not very popular (such as the plan to take Shield Mastery at 3rd job). By explaining them out in a well-reasoned tone and by exploring the possibilities, I am hoping to either a) get people to change their views and not be completely judgemental or b) get people to at least acknowledge that another view is possible.
3. Lastly the journal serves as an ongoing price check/seller's log/buyer's log. Although I'm pretty proactive about finding my own prices, if someone were to come up in here and tell me I've got something completely wrong - it might save me a post or two.

Anyway - enough about that - let's get on to the rest of your comments:

I don't want to buy anything at all... I'd much rather get everything from drops. That being said, I'm not opposed to buying something that will give me one advantage or another. Take for instance the level 35 chainmail. If I can't find a reasonably priced one by the time I get to level 35, you can be darned sure that I will buy one in El Nath. Why? Because the benefits of having it as early as possible will outweigh the 20-100k that I lose by purchasing it directly. If I knew I would find one by level 36 even - I would probably still buy it. I look through the free market every one to two sessions - so keeping track of things in there has helped me significantly.

The quest to get the level 40 helm - while I intend to do it - won't be done in a timely fashion. The fact of the matter is that Zombie Lupins require the same accuracy (assuming I'm their level) as Neckis - and I can't hit them either. Finding a cleric might be nice, but at the same time, that's leeching in a huge way (2600 cursed dolls?). If I get to the point where I can hit them consistently, I might focus on it. In the mean time - I'm aiming to hold onto my current helm until level 50 (unless a kindly soul donates or offers it real cheap...).

I honestly don't worry about kill-stealers. While they are certainly present in both Ant Tunnel and Land of the Wild Boar - I pretty much go about my business ignoring them. If they get too bad, I don't say a word and just move to another channel. Its the non-confrontational attitude that I have. I just don't care enough to raise a fuss.

As to the best training area, I'm still not convinced that Over the Wall isn't my best area. I certainly agree that I can train longer at Ant Tunnel I than at Wild Boars, but I can train almost infinitely at Over the Wall for much the same experience, and with no use of expendables. The speed of training in either of those two areas is pretty similar - and Wild Boar is actually fastest for me (though - I use much more expendables there).

However, the real thing I would mention is that all three places are places I'll train at. If I get bored with one, I just move on to the next. I also don't like to spend money to heal - so I have various activities that give me sufficient break times to heal naturally - rather than resting in the sauna (though I still do on occasion).

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 28 Warrior

Posted 3/3/2006 1:06:29 PM
This is pretty silly. Maple Story is the last game you should be keeping some sort of Blog about."lol so i grinded today, same as yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, and the day before, and the..."etc.

Posted 3/3/2006 1:16:27 PM
RE: Sir Penguin
The same could be said for most blogs about a particular subject.For instance, many of my entries in my poker journal consisted of:

October 2nd, 2004 (Saturday)I kept things light tonight as I was up pretty late on Friday night (until 3am Saturday), so I was planning on an early night. Still, I registered for the 10:30 $1 Omaha Hi/Lo tournament - I finished 20th, which of course means I was playing until 3am again... Still a very solid finish in the tournament - so I'm not complaining... In addition to the tournament, I played a little pot limit and again posted a win from it. I'm really hoping I can start making some serious money from it - as well as my ring games, so that I'll be able to move up in limits sooner rather than later....

November 1st, 2004 (Monday) What a good way to start off the month - kind of. I played a tournament and a SNG - but didn't finish in the money in either. However, I did play well in my ring game - and posted a solid win because of it.This is my third winning day in a row, which offsets a fair amount of the losses I endured mid-way through last month. In addition to my goals for the month, I think I am going to do my best to avoid getting into the bad situations I faced last month - I will probably come up with a stop-loss plan - though those haven't worked too well for me in the past. Like I said - I keep track of it because it is interesting to me and it helps me keep focus. Some people listen to music while they grind - I reflect it in writing.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 28 Warrior

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