Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Maple Story - Archive (3/30/2006)

Posted 3/30/2006 8:34:58 AM
No need to change your build on my account. Even the "little" bit of haste I got from you was "magical" in its own way. Too bad rage isn't coming until later for me - because I'm sure that'd be useful too. At 90 seconds now, with a little bit more of a boost, I think it would satisfy me more than before - but I don't necessarily need more.

I didn't get the chance to play last night since I was out on a double date with my wife at Bingo at Foxwoods. Out of the 4 of us, my wife was the only one who hit - for about $300. Then, she played slots for a few minutes and got another $200 or so... man is she lucky... I on the other hand - sucked wind all night. Anyway - that's my off-topic point of the month...

I think partying has actually helped me "get over the hump" of using potions. When I train on my own, I tend to not use anything over a certain alloted amount - in order to guarantee myself some breaks and to give myself targets to work with. Using potions has enabled me to make longer training sessions with slightly loftier goals. For now, as a for instance, I am racing myself to 1mil - sitting at around 800k I think.

@sgtshark - don't worry about coming in late. If you are concerned about inserting a comment out of the blue - you can always quote the post to which you are referring (or just do a quick pointer to it as you did). I'm jealous of anyone who can take on mushmom...

Back to the point (I'm all over the place today), after kitties I think we'll have plenty of options. Unfortunately, I get to stay in the area of kitties for quite a while (or equivalent ones anyway) - so I expect you guys will be able to move on faster than me. In the next few days, I'll be doing most of the quests at Ludi - so I'll be trying out a variety of opponents.

Well, that's about it for now. See everyone later.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 39 Fighter

Posted 3/30/2006 9:33:13 AM
Hey - Aerythn - do you need more crossbow attack scrolls? If you do, how much do you normally pay for them?

The reason I'm asking is I found someone selling one and is asking for offers. If you wanted - I could put in an offer for you and get it to you later.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 39 Fighter

Posted 3/30/2006 9:34:10 AM
Sup Sharky. Lv 42, huh... Well, I dunno, I might try taking it on sometime when I get there then.

Sorry for disappearing guys, I played my warrior all last night, Lv 15 with a sabre and a shield. Taking 1 dmg from slimes = heaven. Switching to mace at Lv 25, prolly.

Now I'm at a dilemma. I want to party with you guys, but I also want to play my warrior ;_;
Oh well, I got Oblivion to play as well, so I'll probably be spariodically playing MS since I want to play Oblivion quite a bit. Seems really interesting. (Side note, my char in Oblivion is an wood-elf, and I'm gonna make him an archer too called Aerythn XD)

Posted 3/30/2006 9:35:25 AM
Telin, I'd love to get some of those scrolls. I've seen the average on Basil being around 100-120k, so I'm not going to pay more than 120k, where 110 would be optimal. If you can get your hands on a few, that'd be awesome. (I have ~ 400k on me)

Posted 3/30/2006 9:37:00 AM
Alright - I'll test the waters with 75k and see how it goes... if I get it - I'll let you know.

(Also, you didn't disappear to me - I wasn't on last night anyway)

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 39 Fighter

Posted 3/30/2006 9:40:50 AM
Awesome. (I disappeared on you guys the night before though :X)

Ok, I set a target. Lv 45 by end of april or bust! Then I will own everything with my bathrobe!

Posted 3/30/2006 9:57:07 AM
Oh, and sorry if this is annoying, but
is really making me consider the BW XD Not really, I think the 1H swords look better, with exception of the Lv 70/80 BW (The judgment one).

Posted 3/30/2006 10:54:15 AM
Well, the prices are always fluctuating on Windia - which can sometimes be of benefit. Right now, I'm thinking about trying to talk a guy with 4 60% 1-h sword scrolls down to 100k/scroll - just because he's trying to sell them for 200k+ each. I don't need the scrolls, but the more people I successfully talk down, the more the price will settle at a lower amount.

That's something I would suggest by the way, if you don't already. Decide on a price that's reasonable for you and do not go higher. It will help you maintain costs at a lower amount, and it could help the market stay within the realm of reason...

No word yet on that Crossbow scroll for you...

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 39 Fighter

Posted 3/30/2006 11:38:31 AM
Heh, yeah. Since Xbow is my main char, I'm going to have to keep an eye out on those scrolls out there. And bargainable weapons. Doubt I'd have anything after the Silver Crow, probably have to construct the Rower if I reach 50 anytime soon.

I saw a scroll's base price of 1 on Xbow in the Windia auctions. 10 bucks says that'd be 120k by the end of the acution?

I read somewhere that 1H Sword/Mace/Axe users tend to switch to 2H around Lv 50 due to the shield's negilible defense at that point of the game, as well as the 2H weapons having much longer range. Wonder if that'd happen to you :P

Posted 3/30/2006 12:01:33 PM
I'm not going to say I won't ever go 2-handed, that would be very short-sighted and stubborn. However, I do have a bit of a "point" to make about 1-handed weapons - so I will be sticking with them for quite a while at the very least. If I get to the third job though - that's when the final decision will be made - because at the moment I'm planning on picking up Shield Mastery.

One thing that hasn't been addressed is whether weapon defense takes off damage linearly. Most tests that I have seen take one piece of armor off with a known defensive benefit and test that over and over again against a single known damage range on a creature. Although this is just supposition - if the higher your defense gets, the more damage it takes off - having a fully "tanked" out character could be very nice at higher levels.

However, I don't feel my current weapon defense is enough to test this (172). Once I get it to the 300 range, I might do some testing on it though.

Even if it is a linear relationship (2-3 weapon defense = 1 damage less per hit), I still think having a solid defense is very much worth it over the long term. And when I say long term - think character life, not 1 level.

2-handed weapons tend to be popular in most games anyway. A lot of people focus on the offense of their characters and lessen the importance of a solid defense. With a ranged character, I think the defense is of less importance, but with a melee character - it is just as important as your offense.

As to the comment about the scroll on auction - it doesn't hurt to put in a reasonable bid that is still below the average. I personally don't like to bid in auctions - I'd much rather just buy it and be done with it. For instance, some guy put up a pair of level 40 pants for a reasonable price - but only if I was buying them outright. This was the "starting bid" for his auction. If the starting bid is already at or above what I would pay for it - why bother? Starting at 1 meso, or even the NPC price for some things though - I think that's an auction worth bidding on.

Not quite sure what to say about higher level equipment yet though. Right now, it is pretty sparse, but who knows what it'll be like in a month or two. I'm always looking at what monsters drop the higher level weapons and armor to decide whether they are reasonable to train on or not. If they are trainable (horned mushrooms/evil eyes for a cutlus as an example) - spending a few levels hoping for a drop can be very beneficial. The key though is not training on it JUST for the drop... if you are bleeding from the training (as in losing money) - then obviously it isn't worth it.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 39 Fighter

Posted 3/30/2006 12:22:33 PM
Well, for the equipment, Silver Crow's the last Xbow I see commonly for sale, and for 1H swords, that'd be the Cutlus. Above that, you'd either have to craft it or look for a drop. Luckily, the Lv 50 xbow (not sure about your lv 50 sword) is craftable, but it requires multiple gold plates >_<
I also prefer to buy than to bid, since bidding gives people heart attacks if they don't win, and just about everyone loses but the seller. Or vice versa.

I was reading some Oblivion game stuff, and there's the ability to create your custom class, which can be just about anything (Archery is viable!), so I might be messing with that tonight, tomorrow, and for until I get bored of that and come back to MS, or just until I need a break, hehe. Don't you just hate it when you get something new to absorb your time usage?

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