Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Maple Story - Archive (3/17/2006)

Posted 3/17/2006 9:32:34 AM
Thursday nights, my wife usually goes out with some friends, so it is usually my time to entertain myself after the kids have gone to bed. Lately it has been filled with Maple Story, though at one time or another it has also been filled with poker, D&D, reading and sometimes writing. At one point it was even exclusively writing. I'll have to get back to that at some point...

Anyway, I made level 34 last night - even getting a full 30% in to it. I pretty much just worked on training - though I moved from Ant Tunnel to Wild Boars to Over the Wall, back to Wild Boars to Fire Boars. Near the end of the night, I was spending more and more time away from the computer, so I'd fight the fire boars until I would need to use a potion and then return to Perion to recover. Without using a potion of any type, I could take down in the order of 30-40 of them, so I was making a decent profit in my short runs.

I had 3 people come up to me and offer cutlus to me - 1 was a 50 attack (1 worse than what I've got), 1 was 52 (avg) and the last was 54. I might've bought the 54 attack, but they guy would go lower than 100k. Since I know most people sell cutlus for 60-70k for above avg in the Free Market, I told him I was all set.

I did make a run through the Free Market, mostly looking to find a relatively cheap, perfect cutlus. The best I found were 2 56 attackers, for 60k each from 2 different sellers. I almost picked them up, but if I miss it - it just wasn't meant to be.

In my run through the Free Market I found 2 amazingly underpriced 60% 1-handed sword scrolls. The first had already been sold for 30k, the 2nd, I bought for 40k. It was very nice to find these for so cheap - especially when the next person over had them overpriced at 450k. I guess he thought he had a 2-handed sword scroll or something.

I had to seriously fight the urge to go back to Ossyria last night. My intent is to stick around Victoria until I get Arwen's shoe (as a loose goal). In theory, it will take long enough that I'll advance a level or two and be able to take on jr. kitties that much more effectively. Since fire boars are pretty much the same dynamic (fast speed, jumper, and about the same hit points), the training is equivalent. Fire boars do deal a bit more damage per hit on me, so I can probably train a little longer on jr. kitties already.

I'm hoping that I'll be able to make it to level 35 tonight. Since I'm so close, it is pretty likely that I'll train harder than normal. I might even return to the ant tunnel and work it out down there on horned/zombie mushrooms/evil eyes. If I have time away from the computer again though - fire boars will be my plan.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 34 Fighter

Posted 3/17/2006 9:32:57 AM
Over the weekend, if I make it to level 36 and I still haven't found the shoe, I might just go back to Ossyria anyway and start working on the exchange quest items and huckle's quest. For Huckle's I'll probably switch out my earrings temporarily to hopefully curb some of the damage from the sentinels' magic attack. I've got some emerald earrings that I can wear to help that out. In terms of defense, my armor is not going up by much - just my Dark Briggon and my Battle Shield. With the cutlus, I might get a small amount of defense as well from the 1-2 10% scrolls I'll have to use on it.

Since most people don't truly "tank out" their warriors from what I've seen, staying with the top and bottom and scrolling them would seem the cheaper option to go (than getting the overall and scrolling defense or abilities into it). Even if I get the crusader chain, I'd probably drop it at 40 when I get my jangoon armor - since that's an extra 20 or so points in defense. Granted, I lose out on some magic defense, but hopefully I can scroll some more of that in.

For the time being I'm staying away from the jr. wraiths. I don't think I'd have any trouble with them, but they are located in a "bad" spot - since Kerning has no benches that I know of.
I have a feeling that soon I'll go back to Ludi - if only to continue working on the quests I have open there. It might be interesting to try out Lorangs and start the Special Taste of Florina Beach series of quests - but that will definitely be at least level 36 before I try it.
I still have a few outstanding scrolls to purchase, but my bankroll is looking pretty decent these days - or at least comfortable for the time being.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 34 Fighter

Posted 3/17/2006 10:38:08 AM
I really think you should have snapped up that 56 cutlus while you could. Hopefully you'll be able to grab it again at level 35 :/

Im interested in knowing whether you plan to be a White Knight or a Fighter.

Its too bad you play in Windia, if you were in Khainia I would try to buddy you in a second, since you sound intelligent and fun.

Posted 3/17/2006 10:49:17 AM
I already chose the path of the fighter - so no white knight.

I see cutlus for sale all the time for 50-70k. Some are 56attack some are 50 attack. I'm patient enough to wait though.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 34 Fighter

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