Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Maple Story - Archive (4/26/2006)

Posted 4/26/2006 10:19:44 PM
I wish my Maple day was just as exciting as yours.
Hmm... what happened to me on Maple Story today?
I went to Jr. Yetis.
I found a 60% Glove Attack Scroll (Hooray!)
I sold the scroll.
I killed more Jr. Yetis.
I killed more Jr. Yetis.
I got driven out of the map by two fire mages.
I looked for an empty channel.
I encountered "cc plx" from 8 different people.
I finally found an empty channel.
I killed more Jr. Yetis
The end.
---Windia: ScarletWand Level 45 Cleric *Dead*Drum Level 53 Fighter *Very Active*

Posted 4/27/2006 2:12:39 AM
David I am pretty sure you can kill Lunar Pixies easily they usually take me at level 46 =.= 2 fire arrows and an mclaw unless they die with 2 fire arrows ¬_¬;;; but the trade in rewards are well worth it and if you get the scroll from them you will love it

---TrueMiroku lv4x Fizard [Scania]

Posted 4/27/2006 6:03:20 AM
@yanksfan - I never said anything about selling the star pieces - I said I would be trading them in. Also they are a side effect of killing nependeaths (I usually accumulate 100 star pieces over the course of 300 nependeath seeds).

@Assassin_XD - the links to the Ludi guides are here:

Ludi Training Guide (on (registration required to view)
Ludi Training Guide (here on G4F) (registration required to post to)

@mlugia - whether to get a second cutlus or not is up to you. One thing you must realize is that the resale will probably be lower (and quite a bit so) than what you paid for with the scrolls and sword combined. That being said, unless you get more 60% scrolls, getting a second 55+ watt cutlus probably isn't worth it.

Also, if it does turn out poorly, I can always sell you my cutlus in 4 levels... Its only +4, but 63att and +4 str is always nice when you have something worse...

As to training, I would definitely move down to evil eyes - that's where I trained mostly for 33-35. In terms of cost, I think I still made a decent profit down there - but you have to make sure to sell off your tails either to NPC or to another player - because they are pretty significant at this point.

The key to training on evil eyes effectively is not wasting your slash blasts and power strikes. Most of your expense in the tunnels should be (in my opinion) from your blue potions/lemons. In other words, I don't think you should be getting hit too often, unless you are getting into a mob area - but even then - 1 maybe 2 hits before the mob goes down.

Alternatively, boars are still a common option. You could even try kitties at this point - but the training would be slower.

For DEX, I capped it at 60 at level 30 - then improved strength through until 40. The major requirement is getting enough strength for the Dark Briggon - so as long as you meet that you should be fine.

From 41-44, I increased DEX only in order to make my accuracy better - you could do the same earlier if you are in need of the accuracy - but your damage will stagnate over this period.

@sgtshark - congrats on the job. I leave in the morning at 8am from my house to get to work at 9am, to work until 6pm, to drive home by 7pm. Then an hour or two with my kids and dinner, some time with the wife, then maybe some time for poker and/or Maple Story... The grind of life is a lot longer than that of Maple Story...

@Gamer777 - congrats on the scroll. I'll probably be getting to jr. yetis in a few levels, but that is why I'm looking at the training areas in Ludi. Master Robos are just a little too strong for me to do regularly right now - but they might be a better alternative in the future. I'm still looking though. For training, I tend to think "outside" of the box - because I don't like areas that I'm likely to have to contend for.

@slasher900 - Pixies in general are difficult because of their magical attack which I am not always good at avoiding. Taking on mobs of them is tough too - because by slash blasting, I only get their attention - which means more magical attacks coming my way. I don't remember how much damage they do - but it is very significant (something in the range of 120+ I think). Star Pixies have become more reasonable as 2 slash blasts with the occasional final attack is usually enough to take a group down. Individually, I think I can handle Lunar's though.

Okay - caught up from the posts last night... now onto my progress...

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 46 Fighter

Posted 4/27/2006 6:08:50 AM
I didn't have a lot of time online last night. After the kids went to bed, I spent a little time playing some poker (net +$11.50) and spending time with my wife. Once I logged on, NobleJames (the leader of PQs that I like to Party with) had just got on - so he organized a party whilst I found some tracks. By the time we got into our first one, my wife was already telling me I needed to get to bed - so I only planned on doing one - especially when stage 8 took an unusually long time to do.

That being said, we owned Alishar as usual and were able to rush in, even after spending our full bonus time. I stuck it out and fought Alishar a second time, and we still got in a third time. At this point though, I had to sign off - but I hope things went well for them.

In terms of rewards, I got 10 more elixirs and 6 black crystal ore from the two end rewards. I virtually got nothing from the bonus levels - other than a red bean sundae (which I seem to be collecting) and one of the dew drops. For around an hour and 20 minutes, the 2 PQs earned me in the vicinity of 10-15%, so that was nice.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 46 Fighter

Posted 4/27/2006 6:33:19 AM
I got into a few pqs we had suck ass people in ours we had a noob cleric that didn't listen god how annoying

---TrueMiroku lv4x Fizard [Scania]

Posted 4/27/2006 12:04:25 PM
I've made a bunch of updates to the Ludi training guide I'm working on, mostly from the worthwhile suggestions I've gotten both from here and from Sleepywood. Since GameFAQs doesn't let me update a post - I've just been updating the other two on Sleepywood and on Please - contribute any and all suggestions you can.

@Slasher900 - PQ really is a hot or cold thing and it depends on how tolerant you are of others and the same for your party members. At this point, I wouldn't recommend it unless you had a group of buddies/guild members to make up 4+ of the group. When I party with NobleJames, he usually has 2-3 members from his guild and the rest are people that are either on his, mine or one of his guildmates' buddy lists. Its all rather connected.

Don't know how much or if I'll get to play tonight. My wife should be home and she's been feeling a little under-the-weather, so either she'll take advantage of me being home and pass out (in which case, I'll play after the kids go to bed) or she'll feel better and we'll enjoy each other's company - in which case we'll probably watch a movie or play some poker or cribbage or possibly even bridge.

Random poker question of the day: If you hold pocket aces in Hold'em and your opponent has either pocket sevens or pocket kings - which is better for you and why?

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 46 Fighter

Posted 4/27/2006 6:14:56 PM
well, i'd say pocket kings are better for you, because he's thinking he's set for the hand and will bet a crapload of money that you have great odds to take.

i've only dabbled in poker though, just a few games with other students in college. i think i came out pretty much even, i won once and came in second once of like 10 people, and i played about 6 or 7 times.

Posted 4/27/2006 6:21:04 PM

Quote:@yanksfan - I never said anything about selling the star pieces - I said I would be trading them in. Also they are a side effect of killing nependeaths (I usually accumulate 100 star pieces over the course of 300 nependeath seeds).
How the hell else would you make millions trading them in. Nothing of value comes from exchanging star pieces...

---Broa: SnipingUrMom 5x FINALLYBUYING GOLD and BC ORES DAMN IT (42 gold, 18 bc)

Posted 4/27/2006 6:38:04 PM
Trading them in to make millions is basically just a hyperbole.
And second, 10% earring INT earned from the seeds (which he did mention) costs 1.1 mil.

Posted 4/28/2006 12:17:55 AM
Quote:Random poker question of the day: If you hold pocket aces in Hold'em and your opponent has either pocket sevens or pocket kings - which is better for you and why?
I would have to say pocket kings.. since 7s are more likely to not get passed out to people and 7s usually have a lucky way of jumping onto the table for the person holding 7s-I watch WSOP- Every year and I enjoy it I have seen more people get their asses handed to them when someone had pocket 7s than pocket kings I have also seen pocket kings get beaten by pocket 7s more often than kings beating 7s kings hate you 7s are teh lucky

---TrueMiroku lv4x Fizard [Scania]

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