Friday, July 20, 2007

Getting there - slowly but surely...

Just a quick update - but I managed to earn about 20% yesterday and got a whole bunch of trades done. Most of the time training was spent at Yetis with Thrythwig, but later on I moved on to solo at Camp 2 again. I'm still impressed with the rate there and for profit, well I guess this is the most telling:

Less than 1 hour: +130k mesos, used 10 ice cream pops (22000 mesos), 5 mana elixirs (3000 mesos), 30 salads (12000 mesos). In other words, I netted about a 100k profit after a short time there. I also got a Brown Lorin drop (lvl 70 mage glove), put it up on Basil and someone auto-won it by the morning.

That's pretty much it for now. Only 20% to go to level up, so I'm hoping to finish it off this weekend.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Yetis and Camp

Haven't done much over the last couple of days, but trained a little at Icy Cold Field with Tim. The exp rate there improves with a second player, and improves even more when both of us are using our speed equipment. I think I need to improve my damage capacity a little more to make training there just a little better as I have just a few too many times when I have to use 5 hits to kill one.
Other than that - I'm just making solid progress on training and am up to 60% to level 73.
I'm also working on some trades and won a few scroll auctions at Basil (1 10%, 2 30%, 1 60% scrolls for 1-handed swords) and selling a bunch of the junk I'm still holding onto. Not 2 minutes after I put them up - I already have a bid on a Bronze Platine top I still have...
There's also been a very tasty 106atk, +9 str Kahn up for sale on Basil, but has yet to earn even one bid. If I see the price drop, I might just jump on it and save the 10% and 30% scrolls for a level 90 sword later on... maybe even a level 100 sword...
I'm still sitting on about 30 million cash, and probably have a few more million in readily sellable items. I'm hoping to get a few decent drops to improve my cash flow soon.
I was also comparing my damage capacity to a few posters on SW the other day and found that I was being outdamaged a fair amount - even by other 1-handers. Then of course, I found out that many of them had Zakum helms... which isn't exactly a fair comparison (since I don't have 150+ million to shell out to buy one even if I was inclined to do so...
Anyway - I probably have from 4-8 sessions left before I finally level up to 73. Hopefully the damage increase from the raised combo attack will be enough to make training a little easier.

Monday, July 16, 2007

More updates from the front

Well, haven't posted in a while and I am actually playing maple story again. I have gone to training both my wizard and my crusader now - just to keep things interesting. This weekend though - I got interested in running my crusader more and actually managed to boost up ~30-40% on him - so he is well on his way.

I've been reading some of the posts and having conversations about training locations for a crusader and everyone pretty much just says "Dude, go to FoG..." with some variation or another. Since the last time I went to FoG I found all 20 channels to have 4+ people in them, it seems to me there might be a place that is better for me. Let me stress that - for me.

I trained at Icy Cold Field (Yetis, Transformed Yeti and Jr. Yetis) for about 17% on Saturday and found it to be enjoyable. It too about 2 hours (give or take) to earn that much, but I wasn't training heavily. With a 107% speed - I don't think that's too bad. With a sin to party with - I suspect I would have done a spot better.

Last night, I moved back to Victoria and trained at Camp 2 (Skeletons and Officer Skeletons). This screen could use to be split by a party member whom you never care to see (so - someone you don't need to buff and who doesn't need your own buffs). Without it - I still managed 9% per hour or so (again - I'm not precisely sure because I don't often watch the time or my exp). If it weren't for the flipping independance day hats that drop - I think it would be a very good screen to train on.

Both of these places have very few people coming through - which, to me, is a big plus. If you cite the drops from FoG - you can take a look at the drops of the creatures above and I think you'll find an equivalent selection of valuable drops.

On another note - I noticed a thread about money-making ability at various screens and at various levels. One consistent item in most of the areas was that many people rely on drops in order to turn a profit. I can't think of a single area that I've trained in recently that didn't turn a profit - including the Cave of Trial I that I tried out the other day... If this is because of my superior play - I would be surprised. If this has to do with my focus on defense, well - I guess that's telling. The other day, while at Yetis, I was partied with another warrior. We both had power guard on, but he was taking 150-200 or so with it on, while I was taking from 50-80 or so. Over the course of training - that difference is quite significant.

For money, my warrior is sitting on around 30 million in cash, and has a fair amount in sellable items (+4 luk Dark Identity, 60% scroll for Spear Attack, 125+ elixirs, ~100 power elixirs, 600+ cure alls, etc)

On my wizard - I've been stuck at stirges for a bit - but its good exp - so I can't very well complain. As his thunderbolt gets stronger, I'm sure he'll be more and more fun to play... I'm still not sure what build I will use for him though. He's still autonomous from my warrior, and already has a mystic shield, a scrolled fairy wand (gift from a former lizard - can't use it for a few more levels though), and a few other nice items. He's boasting about 1 million mesos in cash on hand though - so he's not hurting for money and at stirges he is actually gaining potions rather than using them.