Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Maple Story - Archive (4/24/2006)

Posted 4/24/2006 8:04:05 AM
Nice to hear you're doing well, Dave. I've been off the weekend till last night, and I got up to 75% of Lv 31... 35 will take forever >_< *whine*

Posted 4/24/2006 8:17:00 AM
Hey Muffin, if you ever get that 53 atk Scimitar back, can I borrow it for a few levels?

Posted 4/24/2006 8:23:39 AM
Hey man it's good to see more windia players. Add me, ign below. I will be pqing tomorrow afternoon all day, join me if ya want.

PS: Your blog rocks

---[+[_]::] 4X Spearman Dimmah Windia

Posted 4/24/2006 8:47:59 AM
Sure Dimmah - no problem. If you get on before hand, feel free to add me first (that way I don't forget...). Also, I generally don't play until 9pm EST - so PQing with you may be difficult, depending of course on your definition of "afternoon" in terms of EST.

Ironically enough, I get a lot of people in my guild asking me how much HP I have with Hyper Body... so assuming you have that it would be interesting to see.

I should probably mention as well that this blog is getting around to a lot of people - just this weekend I had a dozen or so random people come up and say hi - only because they had read about me here. To all of you nameless faces out there - thanks for reading and feel free to post if you ever have a question.

In case anyone's been wondering about my progress on poker - I'm not making much headway. On the other hand, I've been invited to a prominent home tournament in the area - so that'll be a nice change. That happens soon - so I'll post about the results of that then.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 45 Fighter

Posted 4/24/2006 10:16:35 AM
finally I found this.... um I started on windia when it first came out but I havent played that mage in forever......Also I was talking about my actual % as being 8.something%

---TrueMiroku lv4x Fizard [Scania]

Posted 4/24/2006 11:06:59 AM
Just wondering, what time are you on? I know you are in EST, but what times usually?

Posted 4/24/2006 11:22:18 AM
I'm usually not on until 9pm or so on weeknights since before that my kids are awake. If I play poker first (which is now part of my routine), this is getting bumped to 9:30 or 10pm or even later. Then I play until midnight or up until 2am or so.

During the weekend, I sometimes play while my kids are napping - which is anywhere from noon until 5pm or so for about an hour up to an hour and a half.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 45 Fighter

Posted 4/24/2006 11:36:27 AM
So if I'm in PST, I would see you at 6 PM?

And what about morning?

Anyways, keep up the great topic ^_^

Posted 4/24/2006 12:22:24 PM
I really only play at night. When I get up in the morning, I get ready for work and go. If I happen to log in - it would be because I have to check something or I'm out from work that day.
By the way - to all who read this - I'm contemplating posting the previous topic (hereafter referenced as "the archive") over on my guild's board - just so it is easy to find and get to. Getting it up on my personal page may be a while - so I want to make sure it isn't lost to the depths of the abyss (affectionately known as "the purge").

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 45 Fighter

Posted 4/25/2006 2:24:11 AM
hope you don't mind me hijacking your thread for this:
I got to level 50.
pre 50 outfit
post 50 outfit
The kargo doesn't appear very impressed, do he?
Still need to get a slain.

I'm now off to do as many of the ludi quests as possible.

If anyone wants a level 50 Sin for PQ, keep me in mind.

---Sin - AggroJagg 50 - Windia

Posted 4/25/2006 7:28:51 AM
I don't think I told you this but I reached lvl 35 on Sunday. I did my first PQ, and we failed XD. We had no cleric and the people kept asking for haste, the our best player logged off and took the tickets with him. Well still I got 10% done in that time and I didn't feel so bad. Telin, I won't be on till Friday at my usual times, and I hope to PQ with by the time you reach lvl 51.See you soon!

---Windia - killa999999 - 3x AssassinAdd me now!!!

Posted 4/25/2006 7:51:11 AM
Last night was very back and forth. First I tried to get into a party for party quest - but I was busy chatting with SwiftBacon - who was already in. Right before he hit bonus, I got a party invite and immediately was taken into the Party quest. Talk about timing.

Unfortunately, I was the highest level fighter there and pretty much was the only one who knew what to do about anything - I almost handled Alishar single-handedly while the rest of the party was dealing with the scores of Chronos summoned (and there were a lot summoned because they weren't killing them fast enough). It took a long time, but eventually we persevered.
The bonus didn't turn out to be anything useful and I think I got 10 more elixirs to add to my collection (now approaching 150).

After that, I tried unsuccessfully to form my own party and to get into a party until SwiftBacon once again got out of his party quest. We decided to go have some fun at Tobos - and had a grand ol' time there. Bacon - you need more stars...

Tobos are just at a comfortable level for me - since they deal less damage than drakes and take about the same amount of effort. Since no one goes to tobos - you can solo/split with a party member with practically no interruption. Bacon and I trained there until I polished off the last of level 45. At level 46 now, I have maxed out final attack - so rage gets my next attention.

I don't think I got any significant drops, except for a couple of Wisdom ores, but I still made some decent cash. After that - Bacon went to eat, so I decided to give party questing another try. I joined a party and we finished without problem, but then the party broke up quickly. I went and formed my own again, but somewhere along the way, the cleric quit and I replaced him with a regular wizard. We were all level 44 or higher with 2 people at level 50. One of the characters was a spearman with maxed hyper body. Yet - when I said we didn't need a cleric - their response was "well I'm not using my potions." They started to insult me, so I just left. Disbanded the party and walked away. I have better things to do with my time than listen to people complain about crap like that.

At that point, I decided to go play some poker and I'm glad I did. I played 2 $5 1-table tournaments and finished in 3rd in the first (for a net of +$3.50) and 1st in the second (for a net of +$17). Not big money yet, but it helps pad the bankroll a little and recover from the losses of last week.

Also, I have posted the "rough draft" of the archive of the first progress topic on my guild's forum.

I've pretty much just copied and pasted to it - so it is in very rough form right now. I'll edit out the trolled posts and clarify the separation of the posts as I get the time. The link will be in my sig hereforth, so anyone can find it pretty quickly.

@Assassin_XD - congrats on level 35. If I can get you into a party, I will - but I have a feeling I'll be cutting back a bit on them for a little while. Once you get to 38-39 - you should be having little trouble getting into a party, so just be patient with it if it is slow now. We will definitely party together before I'm level 51 though.

@Preacher - already level 50 eh? And still everyone complains about my leveling speed... BAH! Congrats though - you are welcome into any party of mine if I'm on at the same time (you're in the UK or Europe if I remember correctly).

In terms of auctions, the red shouldermail and fish spear both have starting bids on them - but nothing else yet. The mithril buckler doesn't have anything yet. The crossbow scroll went for 87.5k and I also bought 2 diamond ores yesterday for 10k. I figured I might as well grab them at that price - since I still need to do Jack Schwetty's Secret Book... I only need like 4 or 5 more ores.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 46 Fighter

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