Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Maple Story - Archive (4/10/2006)

Posted 4/10/2006 8:54:58 AM
Another possibility is to make this cape either str or dex and then scroll a napoleon or higher level cape with Mdef for when fighting things that have a strong magic attack.

I'm sure some would say saving that 10-20 of damage is insignificant - but that's what tanking is all about.

If I did it that way, the icarus would still be a "training cape" - but the other cape would suit me for added defense when questing and such (where ultimate speed isn't as much of a concern necessarily).

The extra points in dex would be nice right now - but I'm not sure how much mileage I'll get out of it later - given that I'm playing the "normal" dex range of an base 80 dex.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 42 Fighter

Posted 4/10/2006 12:21:14 PM
Well, it looks like I'm going to lose one of the auctions I was bidding on. The pair of Umber Shouldermail Pants I was bidding on at 60k is now up to 150k - which is still a great deal for them, but currently out of my price range - given that I'm only looking to buy at a discount since I've got 8 levels to go...

I've made a bid on a tower shield, but if that one falls through there are a couple of alternatives to spend my money on - so I'm not too worried about it. The boost in defense and Str though would be nice to have though, so I'm hoping to win it.

I'm working on making a decision on my glove. Currently, I have used up 3 slots to make it +2 (10% dex and 10% attack). With my remaining 2 slots I could go either way. If I add dex, I won't have to worry about accuracy for a little while and I could afford to do it right now. With attack - I'll have to keep an eye on accuracy a little (but not much), and I'll be doing much better in the damage department. The downside is not getting the benefits immediately since I can't afford the attack scrolls. Regardless of which route I take, I'll probably finish it off with 60% scrolls.

I think I'm leaning more towards making my cape scrolled with strength and having a secondary cape later on to boost my magic defense a decent amount.

On another note, just looking around at items I need, I've still got Jane's quest open. Wraiths are nasty - but getting another 30 Medicines from them isn't too bad. I've never fought Maladies before, and looking at their stats, they are going to be a real trouble to work with. Even with a sniper pill, I'd be looking at a 79% chance to hit them, and the 4200hp is just obnoxious for me.
I'm still not at 100% to hit stone golems, but I haven't gotten a deed to drop yet from Cursed Eyes, so I'm not too concerned about it. I'll probably stick with curse eyes for a little while, but the rate there is a little annoying since they deal so much damage (~40/hit - as opposed to <20 at fire boars for 10xp less per kill).

Over in Ossy, I need to kill a whole bunch of Jr. Pepes, but the rewards there are hardly worth mentioning since my boots are fully scrolled now. I suppose I could sell the scroll in the end though if I had a mind to.

I could also hunt Kitties and Star Pixies for the exchange quest a little more. Or even try to finish off the Lunar Pixies - but those are a little too tough for me at the moment. I could try to get lucky with hunting nependeath's - both for honey and for the exchange quest. They aren't too bad as long as I get in my two hits before they get in one.

I've also still got Florina III and IV left to do, but since Clangs are not fully 100% to hit yet - I don't think that is too reasonable to work on quite yet. Maybe in a few levels. The rewards there are pretty insignificant, being just a little money and exp, but I'll still do them for the change in scenery.

In the end, I think I'll stick around Victoria for a little while - switching between hunting the deed from curse eyes and doing the Shumi B3 jump quest over and over for various ores.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 42 Fighter

Posted 4/10/2006 12:39:27 PM
Oh and Aerylus - I almost just outbid you on a 60% 1-h sword scroll because I saw the price was great and only 5 minutes before the auction ended...

I refrained though - good luck.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 42 Fighter

Posted 4/10/2006 2:39:22 PM
Looks like I just won my Tower Shield in an auction. Paid a little more than I wanted to, but it was a "safer" auction for me. If I had waited and bid on the Adamantium one I saw, I wouldn't be online when that auction ended - so I couldn't be sure to get it.

The mithril one will be better anyway for me - since my dex is already enough for most things right now. The 400k for it will definitely put a dent in my funds, but I think it is well worth it.
Also, my gladius's auction should be ending any minute now. So far its only at 60k - I was hoping for 75k - but its nothing too special in any case.

My auctions for the baseball bat, korean fan and panlid are all started and each has at least one bid in.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 42 Fighter

Posted 4/10/2006 2:53:59 PM
Can someone explain to me why anyone should care about this guys leveling experiences?

Posted 4/10/2006 3:28:29 PM
SkaCore, apparently you did not read the first page. He is using this as a journal and it helps him think. Another apparent thing is that he has gotten friends from this topic. And I'm pretty sure his friends would like to read his journals. This topic has gotten to 300 posts, in which more than half of those posts are from different users.

Telin, you are so lucky with drops -_- I wish I could scroll like you but I can never get the drops to fund my scrolling. It's way too risky for me to use more than half of my funds when my next equips are coming soon. I do like your scrolling though. Getting a 10% att glove to work is pretty rare and the fact that so far you only used 3 slots, of which 2 10% that adds DEX and ATT worked, it would sell for mils. Good luck on that.

---SwiftBacon - Member of the Ebilness Guild - Windia

Posted 4/10/2006 10:14:25 PM
See even Bacon agrees with the lucky drops. Wow, you got 2 out of three 10% scrolls sucessful. It going to be hard caatching up. Its hard to imagine the time we were the same level. Good Luck.---Windia - killa999999 - 3x AssassinAdd me now!!!

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