Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Maple Story - Archive (3/7/2006)

Posted 3/7/2006 8:45:46 AM
Didn't get a whole lot done last night, but I did do my last Kerning party quest. I was up to 97.77% of level 30, so I decided I'd try it one last time. The party I was with appreciated having the high leveled character and we spent a good deal of our time in the bonus. I think in total I got up to about 10% into level 31 when I was done. I'm still not overly impressed with the party quest, but that's because it requires a decent time expenditure just waiting and unless I need to rest to heal - I'm not too keen on it.

To start off the night, I decided to upgrade my armor from the level 25 stuff to the level 30 top and bottom - despite how much I disliked the looks of them. I decided that taking the 3-4 damage less per hit was more important to me right now than the look of the armor I was wearing. With any luck, I'll have a nice set of chainmail by level 35 anyway. The side bonus to this was that it boosted my dex up a little to help my accuracy.

In light of this, I did try to kill some more neckis, earning myself another whopping 4 skins after a half-hour, to bring me to a total of 7.

Then a buddy of mine asked to if he could leech off me for a little while. He generally gives me things for my efforts and I don't really care - so I said sure. I had to go over to Orbis, but on the trip, there was someone else as well, and she gave me 5 necki skins - so I was up to 12.

Anyway, so I partied with my buddy for a little while - or rather he sat on a ladder while I did the hard work of attacking Jr. Sentinels (who deal 1 damage at a time - and I've got just shy of 2000 hp...). Near the end of the night, he gave me some more necki skins - 31 in total, to bring me up to 43. 7 shy of what I need for Nella's quest. I'll probably go back and finish them up tonight or tomorrow and then work on taking out Evil Eyes until I have enough to get my level 30 boots.

I had contemplated crafting the boots, but after looking over the requirements determined that I was too short of the correct ores to do it. I needed a total of 20 steel, I had 14. I needed 40 of either garnets (I had 1), emeralds (I had 20+), silver (I had 20+) or mithril (I had 14) - so I was pretty short in both of those. I had the requisite leathers though...

The only other thing I tried to do was finish up Mrs Ming's second request. I needed another 6 pig heads, so I spent a half-hour at Pig Beach - gaining another 4 - but that's all I could manage. Leveling there is slow for my level, despite the fast spawn rate - so I'll probably work on the quest when I have nothing else to do. The irony is that I'll just turn around and sell the headband when I'm done anyway...

Now that I'm starting to build up mastery, I'm starting to get a little better and more stable damage, which is nice. Its rare now to see a damage value below 100 - so I'm definitely liking this.

In terms of money, my nest egg dropped to around 70k when I purchased my new armor, but by the end of the night, I was back up to 110k - so all is not lost. And then of course, I still have 2-300k worth of stuff that I can NPC if I choose to.

So I guess it is back to Victoria for a little while to finish up those skins and then start massacring evil eyes. By the time I'm done, I might be a little more confident about the other things on my "to do list" - specifically the curse eyes for Jack Schwetty's quest and the Fire Boars for Arwen's glass shoe. Maybe by then I'll have a decent enough magic defense to make fighting Sentinels for Huckle's quest somewhat bearable.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 31 Fighter

Posted 3/7/2006 9:40:44 AM
Wow, you sure travel a whole lot.

I hit Lv 32 last night as an Xbowman, but I'm still, not kidding you, wearing my Lv 20 equipment. I was able to buy an Eagle Crow (above avg attack too! It's my Lv 32 xbow) for 100k last night, amidst the lag that I suffered (Turns out another comp in my house was hogging the router bandwidth).

My MS life must seem mundane to you But hey, I can pick up Necki skins in a hurry since I can hit them now. If you need any more, just give me a shout (Windia-Aerythn).

Posted 3/7/2006 9:47:14 AM
Yeah - I tend to wander around. Even when I train I only stay at a board as long as I don't need to use any potions - then I either go to an easier board (Land of the Wild Boar to Over the Wall, Ant Tunnel I to just outside Sleepywood) or go rest in town.

I've gone over to Ossyria twice now - the first just to check it out. I'm not real pleased with it at my level, so that's why I don't stay long - but it is a nice change of pace at least.

I do need another 7 skins, but I'm not too keen on paying for them (at least at 1-2k a piece). If you're willing to offer them to me underpriced (say 100 per), I can go with that. Otherwise, I'll take my wonderful 30% chance to hit them and go to town. I actually need another 100 after that - but I'm willing to put off Luke's first quest at the moment.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 30 Fighter

Posted 3/7/2006 9:51:44 AM
I'll make you a better offer- I'll give them to you for free >_>

I don't sell monster drops anyways, I'm too lazy to find a buyer so I NPC them all.

So far, I've stayed on Victoria, I'm just good enough to take on Boars now, so I'm extremely giddy. I bet I'd get too bored of boars really quickly, so Neckies would be a nice distraction.

By the way, don't you need another few of them for a different quest as well? (Luke's, I think) It took me quite awhile to channel surf so many necki skins, but quite satisfying when I found a channel with 5 or 6 of them hanging out together.

Posted 3/7/2006 9:52:20 AM
Ah, my bad, didn't see the part about Luke

I got a Topaz T_T

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