Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Maple Story - Archive (4/3/2006)

Posted 4/3/2006 8:35:12 AM
Well, to be honest, I'm due to walk away for a little while and play some serious poker. I staying overnight at Foxwoods in mid-april and that means I'll be playing a lot. Not the best time to be rusty on my game.

Plus - the extra amount I win at poker will be that much more useful to me...

So you may get the chance to catch up after all. I'm not guaranteeing it - but it might still happen.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 40 Fighter

Posted 4/3/2006 8:38:27 AM
When you start your sin - if you want them, I've got some wolbis collecting dust... I was trying to sell them - but since no one wants them - I'll just give them away at this point...

And welcome to the land of promised dreams... I've never played on Scania - but I can tell the difference just in the login...

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 40 Fighter

Posted 4/3/2006 8:48:24 AM
Now I see how you became so strong.And again good luck in traing and jump quests!

---Windia - killa999999 - 3x AssassinAdd me now!!!

Posted 4/3/2006 8:50:16 AM
I'd very much appreciate the stars David, whenever you get into Vic let me know and I'll do what I can to meet up with you.

The Sin to be is already languishing in Lith as a level 10 beginner just waiting for that trip to Kerning.

Posted 4/3/2006 8:55:08 AM
I'm actually in Vic now - so I'll do a search for your name the next time I'm on. I usually am not on until ~9pm eastern time. Also, feel free to add me to your buddy list if you like. Not sure how long I'll stay there - but I've got a mule and my wizard there too so I can get the stars to you.

@killa - nice to see you pop back in. Its been a crazy couple of weeks eh? With my almost-sure break coming up - you might get a chance to catch up again.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 40 Fighter

Posted 4/3/2006 11:58:50 AM
Just thinking ahead, I'm trying to decide whether to keep my cutlus through level 45 to 50 (skipping the hero's gladius and instead taking the skull earrings, upgrading to a Jeweled Katar at 50) or using the Hero's Gladius and possibly skip the Jeweled Katar at 50 - depending on how well scrolling goes for the Gladius.

Some numbers to keep in mind:

I am currently wielding a 63att, +4 str Cutlus.The hero's gladius is 63att, +1 str before scrolling.The jeweled katar can be dropped, but I most likely will need to make it. Of the required items, I most severely deficit in the gold. These can be gained by redoing the Shumi B3 quest which wasn't too bad.

I already have 3 60% 1-handed sword scrolls, and scrolls are cheap as well - so that's not a question. However, I will be upgrading my armor at level 50 - both top and bottom and helm - possibly boots and glove as well. If I choose to use the gladius - the transition, money-wise, is probably a little smoother.

I'll definitely need to upgrade my shield - so perhaps I should work on Rombot (Skull Shield) or Tick-tock (Adamantium Tower Shield). The few scrolls I've bought for my current shield haven't worked, plus it was below average to start - so I'm looking forward to moving on... Neither of those opponents are exactly trainable for me though (tick-tocks being somewhat reasonable though).

In terms of armor, I'll need to find the shouldermail in a drop as well most likely. I don't really care about the color (though it would be nice to have matching top and bottom...), but there's nothing for the three tops that I'd probably train on at this point (Brown Teddies being a possibility - but they are almost too weak). Same problem with the bottoms.

I might step up my efforts against pixies and move on to the lunar ones. This has two purposes. First, I can hunt for the shouldermail I just mentioned. Second, it gives me the exchange quest items to possibly get a 10% shield scroll - which helps my whole shield thing too. I suspect the pixies are still a little outside of comfort range for me - but maybe that will fix itself in a level or two.
---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 40 Fighter

Posted 4/4/2006 7:40:26 AM
Well, I didn't get much done last night, though that has more to do with pride than anything else.

I didn't spend long in Victoria and came back to Ossyria and then eventually went to Ludi last night. Obviously moving around that much isn't very conducive to training.

Before leaving Victoria though, I made it a point to go have some fun with copper drakes and was very pleased with how well I did. I would've stayed longer, but it definitely would have cost me money in the long run (or at least more than I wanted to...).

In Ossyria I worked a little on the Alfonse Green and the Nependeath Juice and the New World. I'll probably trade in the horns and star pieces until I actually go fight the Nependeaths/Lunar Pixies. Star Pixies really aren't too bad to fight all of a sudden. Maybe I've gotten better about timing my jumps or perhaps getting bumped so that I avoid the magic attack - but whatever it is - I survived quite a while on them (when compared with before). I still don't use many expendables while fighting them because the pace is so fast - I'm concerned I'll miss one and get myself killed.

In Ludi, I decided to go give the PQ a try. I soon found a group who wanted a leader - so I did - and we got in right away (an entirely open channel? I was very surprised). This group was pretty good, except they wanted to fight Alishar... we tried - and we died... This group had much more success against him than my last - though again - I wasn't much help. The 9% xp I lost from that cancelled out most of what I had gained during the PQ, so it was pretty much a wash.
After the PQ, I decided I would go play some poker - so that's where my night got cut short. I'm attempting to bring back poker into my schedule, so my time in Maple will be shortened to compensate - but no - I'm not quitting.

(And if anyone's wondering - poker was barely profitable at a $5 win last night. Since I'm playing with a small bankroll - this is actually not too bad - and I expect it will be much better in the near future...)

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 40 Fighter

Posted 4/4/2006 8:19:46 AM
Ha ha, nice to see you're doing well. Hope you win lots at poker. Hell, if you win like $100, you could even spend $5 on NXcash for a pet to help training efficiency, or a store permit to sell overpriced items.... Or give me NXcash to do the same

Just kidding. I didn't have a lot of time last night to play (an hour), but I went to HHG with Aerylus (The warrior!) I hit Lv 20, got myself a Viking Sword, equipped that Mithril Shield you sold me, and bought a blue Seargent for a bit of a Def boost. (Orange Corporal pants make the outfit kinda fugly though...). I aim to hit 25 soon to get to Fusion Mace, but for now, I love the look of the Viking Sword.

The Lionheart (2H Sword, Lv... 35 I think) is hot. I might consider taking the Lionheart over the Cutlus ONLY for that level because of how hot it is. Ha ha...

Either way, I'm starting to look around for Green or Blue Bamboo hats. I'll prolly use that as my helmet since I dislike the look of Warrior helmets in general.

I'll see you around sometime. Jays have their Season Opener tonight, and I'm so gonna watch that. (HALLADAY FOR CY YOUNG! BOOKIT!)

Posted 4/4/2006 8:23:52 AM
Oh, and on that same thought of the Bamboo hat:

Do you think Dex +3 is more important than STR +3 for warriors? I'm not sure if I like the Blue or Green one better. I think the Green has more of a wanderer feel to it though.

Posted 4/4/2006 8:34:43 AM
Honestly, the biggest issue I had as a warrior was not being able to hit things. My damage range was acceptable - but not being able to hit things was a major downside. That being said - you probably still won't be able to get enough accuracy to cover jr. neckis. But maybe you can take on bubblings a few levels earlier, etc.

As you may know I never liked the bamboo hats in general, but I do like the look of the more "formal" armors - including the burgernet (hence why I've kept it from 25 until now (and until level 50...).

That $5 from poker is so small. Last year I made around $8k from poker before I walked away pretty much in June (though 2.5k of that was a solid tournament finish). After that I had to withdraw much of my bankroll for life things - so I'm working on a very small roll these days. If I can get back up to $400 or so, I should be able to get back into the swing I was on before without too much trouble.

Must be nice being a jays fan. Cheapest tickets for Red Sox games are just so much out of reasonable... and that's if they aren't sold out - which they always are... When I see the Sox go to Toronto, all those empty stands... but I digress...

Funny about that shield, I had a guy ask me if I had one. When I told him I didn't and where he could buy it (either Ludi or El Nath - to which he responded with ???), I told him that Ligators drop it. He then asked if I would mind fighting them to find one to give to him... I kindly told him I had better things to do than hunt for that kind of drop...

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 40 Fighter

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