Monday, October 30, 2006

More hectors... 44 days

I spent the bulk of the weekend at Hectors again. That place is just so comfortable to me and it has been great progress, I simply can't get enough of it. The fact that I get a good profit from it is just a sided bonus...

I'm now 85% of the way to level 64, and the level when booster starts being more reasonable to use on occasion. After I reach it, I'm considering heading back to Victoria and toughing it out at Spears until I get the requisite number of spirits for the quest I'm working on and then moving on to Wild Cargos. Knowing me though, I'll give up after a half hour and be back on my way to Orbis...

Good drops for the weekend, including a Crossbow attack scroll from Jetis, an 82atk Gold Crow (+6 above average...) and an average dark arten. For trade-ins, I received a 4th ancient scroll and I'm starting to think I need to drop my price to sell them...

I've gotten a fair number of trades done, but as always there are more to do. My money is slowly on the incline, but at least it is heading in the right direction. I'm now at about 8-9 million in cash, and I'm still sporting around 20 million worth of sellables.

Finally made some substantial progress towards reaching level 70. Down to 44 days, I'm hoping I can close the distance quickly...

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