Monday, October 16, 2006

Werewolves, Kumbi and Other Fun stuff

Well a very productive weekend and it say plenty of experience at things that were not so productive.

On Friday night, I enjoyed most of my evening at Hectors in Cold Field I. I was just about to head to Zombies when a player on my buddy list reminded me that on Friday and Saturday nights it tends to be crowded, so I just stayed where I was. Zombies aren't going anywhere. I made somewhere around 30% on Friday alone - despite showing my brother-in-law how to kill a werewolf and dying in the process...

Saturday morning - I joined some of the Aussie members of my guild at Wolf Territory I (more punishment?). There were four of us and while high-paced and fun - it is still very stressful for me to be there... I managed to gain 1.3% while there, but in the process used 73 unagi... so I was losing money at a decent clip...

Saturday night was more hectors at Cold Field I. This screen is quickly becoming a favorite of mine at my current level and the only detraction is the number of people passing through. Usually though, I don't have to compete for the screen, which is nice. Of course, the drops that I've been getting are probably some of the reason why I like it so far. But more on that in a minute.

Sunday morning, I again joined some of the Aussie members of my guild - this time to work at Garden of Yellow II (mixed jr and big Lioners). With the three of us there - we absolutely crushed the opponents, but it really wasn't a good exp rate for me, so after gathering 100 horns and 100 tails, I set back to Orbis and eventually back down to Hectors. When I played for a short while that night, I stayed at Hectors for the duration, partying for a brief few minutes with the sin that I party with on occasion.

So I mentioned I had a decent weekend for drops. This is all since my last update - so a total of ~60% of progress:

3 sets of Kumbis, 60% Overall for Dex (finished Scadur's New Fur Coat), 60% Cape for Dex, 10% Overall for Dex (trade in of Hector tails), Gold Crow (80 atk - 4 above avg), The Blessing (82 atk - avg) and 2 Red Cleaves (1 is avg, not sure about the other). In addition - I've also received 3 Green Napoleons and a Blue Counter (this last from another opponent).

The NPC value of the equipment I have listed to sell is ~3.1 million, while with the prices I've listed it puts it up to 20.7 million. The new scrolls have a lot to do with the difference too, so I'm doing fairly well. My pure money is somewhere around 8 mil on my main character, 500k in storage, 6.8 mil on my mule and another 1 mil on my mage. I am definitely going to need to step up my selling efforts if I am going to keep ahead of the rate I'm gaining items, but there's only so much I can do...

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