Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Level 61? No - Server Check!

Well there's not much I can do when I am 98% to level 61 and a server check is looming. I managed to run through the last sections of the Book of Ancient - but it wasn't quite enough to get me to advance. No big deal - but it would have been a nice finish.

I started the night at Mushmom, finding an empty channel on my 2nd try. Unfortunately, 2 minutes before she appeared, a party of 3 (a fizard and 2 sins) comes in and I can't persuade them to leave. I still manage to deal enough damage to earn 350xp or so - but nothing special. I had tentative plans to camp there for the night, but I decided it was too busy for that. So I went back to Orbis.

Once in Orbis, I completed a few sales and was contemplating whether to head back to Lusters or try my hand at Zombies when a guild member came up to party with me - a level 54 sin with whom I have partied a number of times. We set off for Lusters straight away and partied straight for about 1 1/2 hours, earning me somewhere in the vicinity of 15-17% or so. He didn't get any drops, while I got 3 for myself, so I gave him the dark pilfer that I got before he called it a night. I got a 3rd bronze crusader and a 6th orihalcon hildon boot. Yippee...

The server check was in another 1/2 hour, so I decided I probably had enough time to get to El Nath, talk to Alcaster and maybe train a little bit. Once I got down there, I decided to bite the bullet and try werewolves for the 3 toenails I needed. Surprisingly enough - I did fairly well, but it did lay a heavy toll (82 unagi and 10 mana elixirs to take out a total of 5 werewolves and the pangs/hectors that were with them). Werewolves are still exceptionally tough for me so I probably won't be trying that again, solo at least, for a while.

This necessitated returning to Cloud Park VI to talk with Corporal Easy, then back to El Nath to talk with Alcaster, then to Floor 8 of Orbis tower and finally to Alcaster to finish things off. By the time I was returning to Alcaster, I was down to less than 5 minutes left, so I talked with him and logged off. 98.xx% - really darn close, but just not there.

The travels through the tower did take a toll on my Orbis scrolls, so I'll need to take some time to get some more the next time I'm in Orbis. Since I'm down in El Nath anyway though, I might just head on over to Zombies and try my hand at them. If I can party with that sin again, that would be even better I would think.

In buying and selling news, I've started picking up Glove Attack scrolls to try to scroll my own glove. The ones I've picked up so far were pretty cheap, so if I decide later that I need the money I should have little problem breaking even or coming out a little ahead when taxes are figured in. I'm still on the slight side of funds though - with only ~15-17 mil in hard cash and too many items to sell. I'm sure I'll be NPCing the extra Orihalcon boots if a buyer doesn't turn up soon though.

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