Friday, September 29, 2006

The Push for Money

The past few nights, I've spent most of my time at Cloud Park VI - but I've been fairly focused on getting some trades done - so I've only actually trained for about 1 hour in the last two nights.

I missed, yet again, a nice attack dark clench on Basil Market - so I'm pushing myself to get the money to be able to purchase the things that are on the top of my list. This includes training better, selling more items and watching the markets like a hawk.

In terms of money, I've got about 20 million at my disposal with a 60% attack glove scroll on hand that could easily be sold for 4 million on its own. I'm tempted to even sell my Bone Helm as I only use it when moving from location to location and never during training.

Other than that - I've added some more sections to the training reflection I posted about the other day. Hopefully, I'll get a decent number of trades done tonight so that I can boost my money a little more and get in a good hour or two of training as well. I'm about half-way through the current level - so pushing to get to level 60 is my main priority.

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