Thursday, September 14, 2006

Maple Story - Archive (5/12/2006)

Posted 5/12/2006 9:06:47 AM
As I've said before Slasher - I'm not keen on slowing down other than the regular real life things that keep me away. In the last week, I had about 1 hour to play on Sunday, 2 hours on Monday, 3-4 on Tuesday and Wednesday and about 1 hour yesterday. Given that yesterday, I only earned 17% in total, I should hope that you made some headway over me.

That being said - if you want to be ahead of me - you're going to either need to find a way to level faster or spend more time in game. I'd train with you if you were on Windia - as I've found I like training with people more lately, but since you're not on Windia there isn't anything I can do about that.

@Bacon - you asked me when I was going back to Ossy for the disposed garden. I think I'll be heading back after tonight. I'll spend what time I have tonight on Master Robos or Tobos and then move over there for tomorrow. If I hit level 50+, I'll even head down to El Nath and try my hand at Jr Yetis.

Also, I'm looking for 24 gold ores. If anyone is willing to sell them to me for less than 8k/ore - let me know.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 49 Fighter

Posted 5/12/2006 10:01:06 AM
David I would recoommend looking for them for yourself go kill the jumping blue mushrooms they tend to drop them quite a bit there is a hidden street that has mostly just them... its in vic but if you really want the gold ores and dont mind slowing down your training it could be very useful because they also have some decent drops when I had to go there on my g/f's sin I got like 3 or 4 while just collecting the 50 or so caps I needed for that one quest (nella I think)

Posted 5/12/2006 10:03:29 AM
again sorry for the double post David...... OR you could go to cold eyes in sleepy dungoen drakes are there and so are cold eyes I think you could kill them pretty good and they drop gold ores like mad (compared to any other monster I have ever killed) they drop them a lot from them at Macis when I do my crazy stunt and go kill them I have gotten 1 each time I go to macis and I am clearing out the cold eyes while waiting for more macis its a suggestion you can take if you'd like

Posted 5/12/2006 10:23:08 AM
Dave, I scouted the armors somewhat, and you're right, the scrolls are pretty cheap. Now I just have to keep an eye out for the actual armor on Basil or something.

Though, if I hit 40 and haven't found anything, I'll buy it from you, is that ok with you?

(Hope your wife and kids are doing better. Well, hopefully the kids aren't making too much noise anyways)

Posted 5/12/2006 10:54:54 AM
@Slasher - yeah I haven't found many gold ores in my time through level 49. At this point, I'm willing to purchase them - especially since I didn't plan ahead on this really. There's plenty of gold being sold at 10k/ore - I'm just hoping to get it a little cheaper. If the time comes for me to get the gold brist and I haven't bought them yet - I will stroll through the FM to get the last few ores I need.

@mlugia - of course you can buy the top and bottom from me. I do have the set that requires 20 fame though - so make sure you have that first.

I might even need to start selling some ores soon - as I'm getting to a large enough stock of them that I'll never use them all. Before I get to that point, I'll probably be making them into plates first. I know off the top of my head that steel and bronze ores are almost up to 100 each (in addition to a few plates for each).

Of course, after I do get my brist up and made - I've got to get some idea on how much accuracy I'll need from it. I've got 95 acc right now without a sniper pill and my glove currently provides 3 dex and 5 acc. The gold brist as a standard provides 1, and I can safely drop down to 92 and still fight jr. yetis. I guess I really should get the dex scrolls onto my icarus - and just go full-bore with an attack brist... I only need to cover 1 acc and 3 dex from it - so a 5 dex cape will definitely work.

I think I've got about 5mil to work with these days (3mil on my main character, 1.2 mil in storage, plus another 1 mil + in sold items waiting for trades). It sounds like I need to waste a good deal of it on Dex scrolls for my cape.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 49 Fighter

Posted 5/12/2006 11:13:20 AM
*is using a Library comp for a bit* >_>

Still can't get on because the internet repair guy won't come to our house. I am steamed! Not just for Maple, but I finish school in 2 weeks and I really need the internet for school subjects.
I just checked on Sleepywood and I am so sad. Those bandanas look really cute, I want to get one for me (Windia) and for my brother on Broa (Assassin) as well as a Maple Crossbow and Claw. I really hope I get on soon... are they hard to get?

Congrats on Leveling guys! Hope to see you all soon! =D

---gMS, Windia: CosmicCat, lv2x xBowWoman

Posted 5/12/2006 11:25:03 AM
Hey Dave. I'm just dropping by to say hi.

About yesteray, I didn't get to play much either. I think I've played for a total of 3-4 hours, grinding isn't my thing. I was doubtful in my luck since I trained for an hour without a drop. Until I came upon a hacker, I channel chased him until he logged off. So since he logged off, the monsters were still grouped up, even though they weren't vacced. I decided to kill them and found a Dark Arten and a White Guiltian. ^_^

And now I know you were the one who bought that helmet. I was looking for the helmet as well. I'll try to train at king block golems/rombards, even though I heard it was bad for sins there. Hopefully I get a drop, the helmet.

I love basilmarket. I've gone from 600k to 1.5 mil in the two days my auction ended. Selling has never been easy. The only problem is finding them. Luckily, I only have one who hasn't been on.
The EXP was great yesterday. It was even faster when I didn't stop to pick up drops. Maybe I should get a pet and name it BaconFast like True suggested :P

I'll PQ right before I hit 51 so I can take on Alishar. My damage hasn't been impressive as I thought it would. I thought my upgrade from 29 attack to 34 would help. All it did was raise my average damage (no complain) but I RARELY hit 1000+. I need to get an attack glove and later on, better stars.

---SwiftBacon - Windia

Posted 5/12/2006 11:35:53 AM
David, for your dex cape you can 100% that up for around 750-800K, shop for 100% dex scrolls paying no more than 200K tops, although they easily go for 300-400K people dont really seem to know where to price them.

Jetis on windia should suit you nicely, not too crowded, but I have seen a lot of other Sins there, seemingly all armed with steelies and somehow blessed with the ability to move faster than me...wut? XD

Figuring that I play at fairly quiet times I wandered along to zombies and found that I was 3 hitting them just as I was 3 hitting jetis (although 2 hits were becoming more common and I think the 3rd hit was generally massive over kill). So I have taken up my seemingly permanent residence at zombies until 70, exp is good at just over 3% per 10 mins. This is also useful for my exchange quest spearman project, I intend to not swing a weapon until his mid 40s...a whimsical dream perhaps

I've found that the red bean porridge is required for Sins, I spend so much of my time not actually getting hit by the enemy that to lose 10hp per 10 seconds really eats into my life bar. Not sure they are really required for warriors though, with the constant SBing of jeti trains you'll be topping up your hp as a matter of course.

One thing to bear in mind at the moment, jetis has been trashed by the addition of cakes wandering about, not only are they 0 exp monsters they tend to move less predictably than jetis and I have found almost seem to be on auto angry, as they seem to home in far more than normal monsters.

---Sin - AggroJagg 55 - Windia

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