Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Maple Story - Archive (3/9/2006)

Posted 3/9/2006 9:07:45 AM
Had a decent night last night, though I didn't manage to finish off level 31 quite yet.

First off, I managed to get in touch with a seller for a one-handed sword scroll (60%) and a 10% helmet scroll for a nice price of 125k. The helmet scroll failed, but its not a big deal. The sword scroll worked, so I'm doing a spot better in the damage department for the next few levels at least. I'm hoping to find another couple of 10% one-handed sword scrolls for a reasonable price - since I don't mind them failing. I like them at 50k - but no one seems to be selling them that low anymore (the two I found before must've just been flukes I guess).

I also got in touch with Aerythn who posted above - who was nice enough to give me some 30+ necki skins. It allowed me to finish the first 2 parts of the Nella quest (part 2), and now I just need the 200 evil eye tails to get my better boots. I did go down for a little while into the evil eye area and collected some 30+ tails. I'll probably finish that off on my next time playing just to get it done. I also finished the Mrs. Ming's second worry quest - just because it was so close and I only needed another 2 pig heads. So I'm now the owner of the pretty useless pig ribbon headband. I'm selling it to the first reasonable person (25k is good) - so let me know if you are interested.

I haven't managed to move any of the items I've put up for sale, though a level 18 wizard saw me get a pair of weighted earrings and immediately bought them off me. After buying my recent scrolls, I'm a little low on money - but I'll still recover without too much problem.
Let's see, last night I split my time between jr. sentinels, jr. kitties, neckis, horned mushrooms, evil eyes, zombie mushrooms, dark axe stumps, wild boar and fire boars. A nice variety to be sure. I collected myself up to around 50-60%, having started around 10% - so a solid progress.
Once I get my new boots from the quest, I might take the trip over to Ludi for the first time. Not quite sure yet - because there's still very little I can reasonably fight over there, and still plenty that is reasonable to do on Victoria Island. Another possibility is to finish up the first part of the fairy flute quest (I've already got around 30-40 solid horns out of the needed 100).
Currently open quests for me:

Luke the Security Guy - still need ~65 necki skins and 8 stirge wings. Stirges are no problem, but I don't stick around on their screens long enough to fight them. Once I get the skins - the wings will be easily finished off.
Huckle's ingredients (Ossyria) - still need the ice/fire sentinel pieces. I've got over 200 of the jr. sentinel ones, so those are no problem.
Arwen and the Glass Shoes - fighting fire boars is possible, but fairly expensive - so I'll be putting off this quest for the time being. I'll still fight an occasional fire boar though - hoping to get lucky.
Nella and Kerning city (2) - part 3 - need 200 total evil eye tails - I've got about 30 so far. These are not a problem though - so I just need to bear down and get it done.
Find the Maple History Books - I've got book 2, still need to find the one on the boat and then fight some chronus. This will be my first thing to do when I get to Ludi.
Building Blackbull's New House - Well, I can't fight Stone Gollems yet, and fighting curse eyes for the deed is probably still at the outside edge of possibility - so this one will probably wait for the moment. The processed wood and screws are no problem though.
Jack Schwetty's Secret Book - Need everything...
Fairy's Horn Flute (1) - still need another 70 or so solid horns. Not a problem though - just need to be in Ossyria to do it.

Next level, Icarus's Hang Glider should be open to me - and for that I'll only need the stirge wings - so that will bring me into Kerning again.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 31 Fighter

Posted 3/9/2006 9:30:16 AM
Glad you enjoyed the skins. I stuck back with Boars for the rest of the night (Alternating between that and internet surfing), managing to finish off Lv 32, going from 38% to 0% in a span of ~ 3.5 hours. Not too bad, considering I spent a good hour outside of MS anyways.
I'm thinking of buying a Sauna robe myself and 100% it to +10 dex... Sometime.

Sorry if I'm stealing your topic space

Posted 3/9/2006 9:48:32 AM
No problem at all - feel free as long as it is constructive. Thanks again for the skins.

I'm also working on my own training ideas - though they are still mostly in development. It seems I disagree with most of what has been posted before - so giving another point of view - I figure it will be worthwhile. I'll post it here as I get parts of it done.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 31 Fighter

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