Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Maple Story - Archive (3/13/2006)

Posted 3/13/2006 12:22:20 PM
Thanks for the kitty info, I appreciate it.
I heard the rats are in a smaller area, and since I have a minimum range issue, they're not nearly as good for me than it is for any other class, so I doubt I'd head there. I want to try this solid horn thing anyways. In the last 4 levels at Boar, I accumulated well over 1400 boar teeth, so if I keep that kind of pace up, that means lots of free exp.

It's weird, I bought my Lv 35 hat, and it looks really hot. But then I go and ruin it by wearing a Sauna robe (+8 Dex, 2 slots left) and the image of the awesome bowman is no more. Oh well, I find the robe more awesome because I've met 2 people who did F6 expressions at it.

Getting the Sabretooth almost makes me want to start a warrior. Almost.

Posted 3/13/2006 12:35:43 PM
Well, the important thing to remember about kitties is that they have 1100 hp. That's double the amount of the boars. So if you are taking 1-2 hits to kill a boar - you'll be looking at 2-4 hits for the kitties. I'll have to check hidden street, but I don't know if there are good sniping spots for bowmen - you are right about the rats - I did see a bowman whack them with his bow for a while...

Leveling at kitties or at rats is likely to slow you down slightly - unless you were 1 hitting boars more than I expect you would. The exchange quest rewards for the solid horns isn't much of significance though and the experience is piddly (500?).

The sauna robe is just so out there. I can't say I'll wear one to train in - I'll probably sell it when I get mine to let someone else boost it up. Personally though, I have no interest in it. I'm sure that dex bonus is nice though.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 33 Fighter

Posted 3/13/2006 12:44:43 PM
It's actually kinda funny to walk around in the wild boar land looking as if you're ready to either take a shower, or flash some unwitting newbie.

I can OHKO boars with ease now, I'll be moving to Fire boars in a level, I think. I still can't DS + Normal shot them effectively yet, but I think I will be able to next level. Gives me 3 levels to hunt for the glass shoe too, hopefully my drop luck is decent.

I itch to kill teddies someday. They look so darned cute.

Posted 3/13/2006 12:59:14 PM
Didn't realize you were that effective at Boars - then yeah - moving on up to kitties seems much easier to me now. If you manage to find the shoe early - it would definitely be a wise next step. The shoe is just too nice to pass up - getting a free scroll and all. Fire boars do have some archer equips though - so if you are missing your pole feather hat - you may want to stick there for a little while. Speaking of which - I found a red pole feather hat if you are interested in it. Isn't anything special (average wdef and +11 hp I think), but if you don't have one yet - you can have it for the NPC price.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 33 Fighter

Posted 3/13/2006 1:04:07 PM
Thanks for the offer, but I lucked out buying a Green one (+dex) when I was Lv 32 for 1k above the NPC price. I thought it was a steal anyways. I'll prolly wear it until I find it worthy to move up to Distinction. (Lv 40).

The Berets are so ugly though, I might hold off on those till the Polyfeather, if I ever reach that level.

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