Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Maple Story - Archive (3/20/2006)

Posted 3/20/2006 10:01:48 AM
Big weekend for me - I finally made level 35.

Aside from that there's not much to say, but let's take a look.

For the latter half of level 34, I spent most of my time down in Deep Ant Tunnel and The Evil Eyes Caves looking for another/better cutlus. I already had a 51 att, I was hoping for something 55+. Alas, at 99.32% to level 35, I hadn't found one. Even worse - I somehow forgot to heal at that moment and died - losing me 9% of my experience. Blech!

I finished off the rest of the level in the first Ant Tunnel, mostly on Horned Mushrooms. Once finished, I proceeded directly to Perion and to the free market to look around for a decent cutlus for 50-70k. I found several, finally settling on a 55att for 60k. Now comes the fun (and risky) part - scrolling it.

Up to this point, I had purchased 7 60% scrolls and 1 10% scroll. I had hoped to have a 2nd 10% scroll - but that trade fell through. In the end the 10% failed, and the sword ended up as a +4 60% with a 63att, and +4 str. How much of a difference is that?

With just the 55 att and no strength bonus, my damage range was 161-316. With it boosted, my range jumps to 190-372.

With the advancement, I sold off my triangular shield to a buddy, using my battle shield and my new dark briggon as well. My defense hasn't improved much, but my damage output has increased signficantly.

I also took the trip over to Ossyria again to train some more at kitties. Again, I must've let my concentration wane because I managed to get myself killed no less than 2 more times here - one time dropping me fully back to 0%, the second down to 13%. I made some exchanges with the staff seargent, but the reward is only slight. Ironically enough, the 15 orange potions he gives lasts me almost a full 100 horns. If I flat out attack the kitties, I take them down in 3-5 hits. Usually with a blend of power strike and regular attacks they fall in two though.

Soon, I'll take a trip into the tower to do Huckle's quest. I'm still not sure if I can effectively take out the bigger sentinels to get the quest items, but we'll just have to see I guess.

Further possibilities for the current level include fighting leatties, fighting star pixies, or possibly going over to Ludi and working on quests over there. I will be going back to Victoria at some point, but now that I can take on kitties effectively, I'm going to stay abroad for at least a little while.

I still haven't decided whether to get the overall for my character. I will probably get rid of it at level 40, so it really isn't all that appealing to me. However, whatever I decide, I should make it soon - I have a 10% Overall Def scroll that I could sell if I decide to not use it.

I'm selling some of my scrolled equipment from before - so if you are a low level warrior, you might want to consider them:

Venon +3 accuracy, 0 slots left, 25k.Gladius +1 49 att, +1 str, 6 slots left, 75k.

The venon served me well for the levels when I was trying to get a reasonable enough accuracy to hit jr. neckis. It didn't make much of a difference, but it was enough to get the requirements for them done.

The gladius would've been scrolled more had I had the time before I got my cutlus. In fact if I hadn't gotten the 51 attack cutlus when I did, I might've scrolled the gladius to avoid the need for the cutlus entirely.

Not sure right now what is on my shopping list. I know I want to pick up the level 40 armors, cheaply if possible. I found one who is selling an above average top for 90k - so that's a place to start. If I wanted to get them from drops, it looks like the most reasonable would be the jr. wraiths. Maybe when I go back to Victoria, I'll go over there for a level or two to see if I can get a drop from them.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 35 Fighter

Posted 3/20/2006 11:24:47 AM
Sounds like you've had a good week. I've been busy this weekend, but managed to scrape myself up to Lv 39. I bought a 55 attack Heckler (average is 54, I've seen as high as 57, though that one sold so fast I didn't even have time to click on the auction for more info), which I'm using now. It looks like I'm using a giant winged fork, but meh.

I'm still randomly wandering Fire Boar land I - IV. I found a glass shoe the other day, but I had a full inv, so a mage took it while I was trying to get rid of leaves...

On the plus side, he returned it when I asked for it kindly. I <3 some MSers now.

I'm looking around for Silver Crows now, I saw a good one earlier, but that auction ended. I hope I can find a good one before Lv 42, since once I upgrade, I keep it to Lv 50. I love my +10 dex bathrobe, as odd looking as it is.

I managed to stockpile a boatload of money by my standards as well, only reloading on blue and red pots as needed. (FBoars drop the white ones, which was very helpful)

I might consider going to Orbis at Lv 40. Once summer hits, I go back to university, and one of my friends promised to play with me! Huzzah!

Interesting that you went Fighter. I myself would have gone Page, but that's because Hero is a crappy 4th job title, and Dragon Knights are overused But maybe that's just me.

Please don't tell me you still wear the Jousting Helm, it bothers me whenever I see someone wearing it, I just want to shoot them with my bow

Posted 3/20/2006 11:27:33 AM
i bought a 58 attack heckler, used 6 60% scrolls on it, 3 worked

---oMS [Bera]: TheJattMan 3x Crossbowman Guild: Diplomats oMS [Bera]: TheJattMage 1x Wizard

Posted 3/20/2006 11:31:41 AM
I can't say I'm rich enough to afford that... 60% scrolls are ~110k on Basil, and Hecklers are ~110k itself, probably ~200k for one of 58 attack. With that, I'd have to pay 860k roughly to have your 64 attack Heckler. I'm leaning towards just shelling out for a Silver Crow instead.

And yes, I did consider getting a high atk Heckler and skipping the crow, that didn't really work out.

Posted 3/20/2006 11:32:50 AM

yea i got lucky with drops

Posted 3/20/2006 11:43:36 AM
I'm not wearing nor did I ever wear the jousting. I scrolled my level 25 burgernet after improving it to Orihalcon. At level 27 or so I had a helment that gave me better defense than the level 40 helmets - so I get to skip until level 50 or so.

Yes - my week's been going solidly. Fire boars are just like the kitties - but they do slightly more damage. Picture fighting at fire boars and taking around 10 damage less per hit. That's kitties for you. Pretty much the same usable drops (Blue/White potions, holy water too), and the exchangeable horns for the exchange quest for other items (this isn't so nifty but meh).

I'll eventually go back to the Fire boars, but I want to spend some time abroad for a little while - if only to get myself familiar with the different dynamics. I definitely don't make as much money over there (which is odd, since I make a very nice profit at kitties) - and for some reason I seem to die more often - can't explain that one.

Honestly it was a toss up between fighter and page. I prefer one-handed weapons in most games I play - so the spearman/dragon knight route just wasn't going to happen. However, both fighter and page seemed equivalent. When it came down to it - it was pretty much a "flip a coin" decision. I don't regret it - so I'm just moving forward now.

Also, I heartily recommend browsing the free market at least once every one or two sessions. I flat out refuse to purchase scrolls for my equipment higher than the prices I have set myself. However, making that decision means I need to pick them up when the price is there. This is why I keep a backlog of 2-300k worth of sellable items (to NPC) - so that I always have the money to pounce.

I'm not sure what the median price of crossbow scrolls are, but I'm sure with some steady searching you could find them reasonably cheap enough to help during the next few levels.
Case in point: I buy my 60% 1-handed sword scrolls at 100k each. I might go as high as 150k if I truly needed it. I see some who sell/who have sold at 3-500k - I just can't believe that's reasonable. I laugh and walk away.

The effort in paying what you want for an item is to be aware of how often it is sold - and how much you are willing to pick it up at.

---MS TelinArtho2 (windia) 35 Fighter

Posted 3/20/2006 11:48:00 AM
I like this a lot its really interesting and the over the wall isn't really used by many in scania though Ant tunnel areas are usually full 90% of the day and another thing over the wall is good area to train for my g/f's sin to be and the first time I read it I was like thats a good idea and I started training there till about level 20 and then I started doing quests and I plan on PQing a lot on her character.... Also I have a warrior level 22 or 23 I barely play him but it might be fun to tinker around with him where was it you would suggest to train.. other than boars they are always full on scania.... well Land of Wild Boar 1 is usually full..... I cant get to #2 due to lag out when I am in an empty map

---TrueMiroku lv4x Fizard [Scania]

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