Friday, October 06, 2006

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck...

If the woodchuck had a 90atk, +6 str Neocora? Quite a bit I would imagine... Last night I lucked out in being able to trade for the neocora and what a difference it makes. Instead of rarely 2-hitting Lusters and never 1-hitting Lunars (though coming close), I now almost always 2-hit the Lusters and 1-hit the Lunars about 20-40% of the time. That single purchase has made that screen quite profitable - I used ~100 unagi and ~100 mana elixirs to gain 35% or so last night and the net gain was ~400k I think. To make things even better, I'm even training at a faster rate with it than last level.

I still haven't gotten the 20 wisdom ores that I need - and I am almost to the point of wanting to just purchase the last 7, but not quite. Once I get them, I'll go and finish that leg of the level 55 cape quest and do John's Level 60 Jump Quest for my new earrings.

I partied for a little while with a buddy from work while at CPVI. He has a Level 45 Pure Str Warrior and although he doesn't 100% hit the Lusters, he did fine at it. The damage was a little high for his tastes though, so he moved on after a gaining 100 pieces.

Myself, I traded in a total of 1500 luster and ~600 lunar pieces and didn't get any scrolls out of it. If I get another cape int scroll, that would be utter beauty, but getting a shield scroll would be a nice change too...

I finished the night about halfway through my current level and I've started putting some items onto my wizard who is now my "alternative" mule. I have no desire to level him for any length of time, so its not a big deal if he holds onto some things in any case.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Okay - I won the auction for the sword... now I just need to find the player and trade with him. So far - I have sent a PM through Basil and had various people search online for him at different times, hoping to track him down. So far - he's not been found.

Training with my current sword is just as fast as with my previous one - mostly because my damage difference didn't really change between them. Hence why I want my new sword. That being said, I still haven't had much time to train in the last couple of days with all that's been going on.

I did manage to get a few trades done last night and suddenly my auctions on Basil are finally getting some bids - most notably my Cape for Int scroll that I got through the exchange quest. I still need to step up my efforts to sell things, but at least I'm bringing in more money than I'm putting out at this point. Of course, that all changes when I trade for the sword... where is that guy anyway?

For the 5-7% training I did do last night, I found a white piette top and blue piette pants - both NPCable. Other than that - it was just lusters, lunars and the occasional fierry. I'm hoping to get my last few Wis ores so I can go to Victoria to do that quest and to do John's final jump quest for my new earrings.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Selling and Buying Galore

While waiting for the neocora auction to end, I've been doing a lot of trades - both for buying and selling. I haven't, notably, been doing much training - having earned a whopping 10% over the last 2 nights. Tonight won't likely be much progress either since Sammy has her Kareoke contest tonight and Lindsay and I are meeting there to give her support.

I did finish a few trades, but I'm still overful, so I've started a "Maple Inventory" that I intend on posting to Sleepywood and see if I can't sell some of it off. There's a few that will need to be NPCed - for sure - but hopefully I'll get a few of them sold.

I'm considering making my 2 Bronze Crusader helms into Silver ones and trying to scroll them better than my current Mithril one. My current one is only +1 with a 10% and had above average stats - but it would still be better to have a silver one - and with a total of 14 slots - that shouldn't be a problem. Plus - it gets me to use some of the ores that are filling up my inventory.

It would necessitate getting a bunch of helm scrolls though - so I'll have to pick those up before I start if I decide to go that route.

I was also told that I was a hacker last night. The overwhelming proof was stunning. You see - I was sitting in a Relaxer at the top of Cloud Park VI and I was AFK.

That's it. I must be a hacker right? Because only hackers sit AFK in a relaxer chair in CPVI. Yeah... okay buddy.

Anyway I don't think I was reported for it - but its just so stupid I don't know how to take it. Oh well, moving on in any case.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Not much to update

I spent only about a 1/2 hour online last night and earned all of 1% since I spent most of that time looking for trades. At the end of it - I walked over to Cloud Park VI so I could get back into training. I'm kind of waiting for the neocora auction to finish before I get back into training and I'm hoping I can get a bunch of trades done because my mule is getting over-full. His Equipment inventory is completely full as is his etc inventory.

I'm now sitting on 5 sets of orihalcon hildon boots that need to be sold (though I'm using one of them until I get the blood camels that I won. Beyond this - I've got another 10 auctions up on Basil and I'll probably add more tonight. There's still probably 10 trades that are ready to complete once I can find the person involved.

In other areas, I've found a bunch of my friends from high school on my-space. Never really thought to look there before, but it was good to see they are doing well. My wife did the same so she's planning on creating an account to get back in touch with them. It did inspire me to try to find some of my friends from college - most specifically Stacie and Cosmo since they were two of the closest friends I had. I still talk with Natasha on occasion, but I also know that she doesn't have a my-space account.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Level 60 and Scrolling Fun

Okay - so I finally made level 60 last night, which of course means working on some scrolling.

First up to bat: Red Orientican Top - starting stats: 67wdef, +4 str, +2 dex. 4 10% scrolls later - it has 3 slots left and the same stats...

Next: Red Orientican Pants - 54wdef, +1 acc, +2 str. 6 10% and 1 60% scrolls later - 0 slots left, 61 wdef, 4 mdef, +1 acc, +2 str, +10hp - 1 10% and 1 60% worked.

Next: Neocora - 79 watk. 3 10% scrolls later - it has 4 slots left and the same stats

Next: Another Neocora - 79 watk. 1 10% scroll and 2 60% scrolls later - same story.

Not very pretty at all.

I did however find a neocora in the market place that I'm in discussions to buy. If I get it - that will be a 90watk - I don't remember the strength bonus.

I've also still got 5 slots left on my shield which already has 2 60%s on it (bought it that way).

Here's my current screenshot of my character. If I do get any better scrolls or items, I'll be sure to include them as well later:

TelinArtho2 level 60