Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Zombies, zombies and more zombies

Not my most up-to-date picture, but close. I'm actually at 1mil exp or so. Not sure what my current ranking is - but I'll check it later.

I've been spending the bulk of my time at zombies recently and have found it nice to be earning a steady return of money from fighting them. Just checked last night, I killed just under 1000 of them (995 or so) and gained 522 teeth and 5 drops (a green seraphis, a red arten, a black yellow-lined boot, a jacker and a white polyfeather hat). They're all NPC drops - but I'll leave them up on my sale thread on Sleepywood for a few days to see if anyone's interested.

Next up, I'll actually track how many unagi/mana elixirs I use and the equivalent exp and such. That's if I remember to of course.

Other than that though - zombies will be my recipe for a little while. I might head over to Victoria to finish up the Taurospears, but that's pretty much it.

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