Thursday, April 10, 2008

Explosions, Explosions Every where

Well, I returned to Megamek last night and found that I was still not promoted. As instructed, I contacted the mods that were online about it. The first told me to "wait for house leadership" - which is specifically something I asked about and was told that I could ask a mod for it. The second was the mod who told me to contact a mod - he eventually came back and promoted me.

So now I am a Garrison Commander and have access to patrols, hit'n'runs and similar activities. To commemorate this, I went active and got into a patrol mission with a member of the Federated Suns, Epiminodas. Here's the battle setup:

My Army: HBK-4G [4/5], LCT-1E [4/5], LCT-1V [4/4], SDR-5K [4/5]; BV: 2594
His Army: OTT-7J [4/5], FS9-H [4/5], LCT-3V [4/5], LCT-1V [4/5], WSP-1A [4/5]; BV: 2594 (BV vs 4.0 units : 2724)
Map Type: "Light Woods" - it actually had very few forest hexes and was mostly open but uneven terrain.

Anyway, I was setup on the northwest and he on the south east. We closed ranks in two rounds (with light fire in the first round).

The first major hit was in round 3, when my hunchback's AC20 hit the WSP's right arm and did enough damage to core the darned thing (as in - destroyed all of the armor and internal structure in the right arm, right torso and center torso...). Unfortunately, I had directed most of my weapons' fire at the WSP that round, so most of it was wasted.

In round 4, my AC20 strikes again - this time against the firestarter and leaves it on the ground with a heavily damaged leg and 34 total damage.

Now, with things clearly going in my favor - I lose initiative - which means I know my hunchback's backside will be exposed. Still - there's not much I can do about it - so I move to the best position I can and start working at it. Although the OTT had a few shots on it - he only landed a single shot against the rear center torso armor and didn't manage an ammo explosion (though he did get an engine crit).

The final result was his WSP, LCT-1V and LCT-3V were completely destroyed and I salvaged his firestarter. On my side - I had the engine hit on the HBK - but otherwise was mostly unharmed. I have rarely seen such a one-sided victory - especially when I was outnumbered and out-bved.

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