Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Okay - really Level 58

Well, its been a few days - a bit more than a week I think since I last advanced. Last night, I finished off the remaining 4% to level 58 and gained even another 9% beyond that. Not a lot of progress - but some nonetheless. I did do the Orbis tower scroll quest again - so that slowed things down, and then I also got my shield - so I spent some time for that.

I don't think I got any drops of note last night, though I did do some tradeins before heading down to El Nath. Nothing special there either. I spent a little time at Jetis, Hectors and Yetis - and I finally finished my first 100 horns from yetis. I'll have to go back up to Orbis fairly soon since my ETC is already almost full - but that's the way it goes I guess. I'll probably get 2 full sets of hector tails first though.

I'm just about set for level 60. I'm still looking for a decent pair of snowshoes and a decent attack glove - but otherwise - I'm pretty much good to go.

My wizard is still at level 28, though I think he's about at half-way. He's taken a little longer this level because I was collecting necki skins, but that's all done now. With my recent push to try to get to level 60- he might have to be put on the backburner for a little while.

I still haven't decided if I'm going to sell the two sets of Kumbis I've got right now. If I do decide in the future to make a sin - they would be nice to have. The fact is though - that I'd either have to get rid of my mule, my wizard or make a new account - so I just don't think its likely. The extra ~400k I'd be able to get from them isn't enough to drive me to get it done right now though.

I think I pretty much need to leave the Disposed Garden forever now. While it still tantalizes me with possible great rewards, I think the exp rate is just too slow now. With Cloud Park VI - I think I've found a suitable replacement for training while I'm up in Orbis.

I might return to Victoria soon to work on killing Mushmom some more - perhaps camping there for a few training sessions to see if I can get anything good or worthwhile. If not there, I might have to return to the sanctuary areas of the dungeon and finish the quest to get the spirits. This is all leadup of course to staying at Zombies for a very long time starting around level 60...

That's pretty much all for now.

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